Praise from our Men “I Hear the Sound of Rain to Come”

It did not take long to recognize that one of the roots of my marital problems – and even the depression that finally put my marriage in crisis – was the departure from a life where He was the center of my will and a lack of intimacy with the Lord.

It seems that my life always ran like this: when things start to get complicated in the emotional dimension, I isolate myself in the spiritual dimension.

I am 37 years old. Twenty years ago I found salvation in Jesus. In these 20 years, I was a member of three different communities/denominations. I studied theology. I have a teaching and preaching ministry.

I have experienced movements of prayer and holiness, spoke in tongues, and I had all kinds of experience of faith in my own church. Still, I turned away from the Lord this year, the first signs of trouble.

The way out of the bottom began a few weeks when He sent me here and I dove into the intimate relationship with the Lord like never before. This has been instrumental in my personal recovery, far beyond marriage restoration.

I went back to morning devotionals, to reflect on Scripture, sharing small biblical reflections daily. I owe everything to the Lord, undoubtedly, but the change was mainly due to and through this restoration ministry.

There is still a long way with regard to my personal spiritual life and, especially, the restoration of my marriage. But I hear the sound of rain to come. Glory to God.

~ Daniel in Nebraska

Also from Daniel

My Wife had tried to Kill me Countless Times

I want to thank those responsible for thisΒ online course, which has renewed my spiritual life and hopes.

I strongly recommend this course to other men in marital crisisβ€”so you can place the Lord as your first priority, learning His truths, and that’s when marital restoration will be the result.

I was in the middle of a depression that resulted from my separation and was also responsible for it. My wife had tried to kill me countless times.

ThisΒ courseΒ helped me to replace the life in the place of depression, with God at the center and everyone here, allowed me to have the strength to fight for my marriage restoration, now I am full of hope and peace.

Thank you, Lord, for having revived my experience with You through this course. Thank you for catering staff and what they have already done. Thank you for renewing the hope of seeing the redone and restored marriage. In the name of Jesus.

Dear friend, take thisΒ courseΒ offer the course to a man in need of hope, and rediscover the Lord, and from this course, find faith and hope in the restoration of your marriage.

Encouraging Women!!

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