I am Ecstatic, Not Scared

I am ecstatic about being about to lose my life, knowing that HE is enough. You see, I love my life or what I dreamt it to be, a woman who has it all, an adoring husband, beautiful well behaved kids, perfect career, good houses, good cars, financially solid, an epitome of success. Oh, the fear and strive for this perfect picture. And now I rest IN HIM. Oh, what freedom!!

I’ve experienced a RESTORED marriage so now to keep Him in His rightful place, my HH led me to beginΒ Finding your Abundant Life and just finished reading Chapter 2 “Finding Your Life” and have now found my favorite verse:

Matthew 10:39 “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”

Matthew 16:25 “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”

Mark 8:35 “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.”

Luke 9:24 “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.”

Dear brides, he knows what he was talking about when he states that we must lose it all to have. I use to be scared when I’d hear this verse about giving up everything. I did not think I could do it but He helped me.

Lord, I am Yours, make me love You with all my heart and strength! Lord, let me walk with You, love You boldly and fearlessly. Help me to loosely hold on to people and things but tightly holding onto You!

Now, I am ecstatic, not scared to say that He is all I want, all I need and if I have Him, I truly have everything. I surrender!!! Oh, what freedom!!! Because nothing really matters now, not this marriage that I’ve strived to make perfect for years, nothing just Him.

Dear bride, He loves you and wants our total surrender. You know He said His yoke is light because we can bank on His love, nothing else will satisfy, not our husband and certainly not our children. TRUST him with everything.

The Lord wants us, totally, walking on the waters with eyes fixed trustingly on Him, this book, this course Finding the Abundant Life will show you how to boldly walk on waters with your HH, the lover of our souls.

I remember at the start of this journey when my husband left. I worried about how I was going to meet mine and my children financial needs. God has been faithful.

My husband stated that he will only pay half of the fees for the kids but eventually paid their fees in full. My EH said he was going to sell our home but has been paying the mortgage.

Even though I am currently on unpaid maternity leave, I don’t have to worry about what we, my children and I will eat or wear. Because my HH is indeed supplying ALL my needs according to his riches in glory. I am also just realising that when He says all my needs, He did not just mean financial needs so I have been taking every other need to him. Today, for example, I was just feeling very gloomy and sad so I had gone to my HH to ask for some of the peace He promised and viola, I immediately was given a boost and currently preparing to have a hair makeover. If I had not prayed, I would have spent the hour meaninglessly and sad. Glory to God.

The Lord SHALL supply all my needs according to his RICHES in GLORY.

~ Jennifer in Australia

A Healthy Baby

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