Love From All the Wrong Places

♕ Today's Promise: "Instead your beauty should consist of your inner self, the ageless beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is the greatest value in God's sight." 1 Pet. 3:4

~Arabella in Canada

☊ PRAISE Audio

I have felt over the last week or so it was time to submit a praise report as the daily encourager, free renew course, reading psalms and proverbs daily and of course "By the Word of their Testimony" books have been my life line over the last month. Yes only a month since finding RYM (Restore Your Marriage). For which is an incredible answer to prayer. Just the night before I was on my knees weeping and praying that the LORD would help me, "please help me," that's all I could say. Then the next day I was on amazon and somehow the RYM book was at the bottom with not a lot of reviews (which is what catches my eye). I looked anyway and then found the website and read some of Thiele's testimony and I thought, YES!!! Lord you answered my prayer, He was telling me it is POSSIBLE!

You see, I was the adulterous woman. There were many issues from the beginning of our marriage 13 years ago and there were even times my husband left for a time then always came back. But now through RYM I realized I was the controlling, loud, hasty, contentious woman that you speak of. I NEVER CHANGED all those years. It was the same cycle year after year until there were even violent explosions in our marriage. I never offered my husband any peace in his own home.

Onward to year 12 and I had sacrificed all my time to complete a masters degree which caused major strife and division in my marriage. I was so burnt out by the end that I had been coping with alcohol just to get through and because my husband and i had no relationship at all, I sought attention from other men.

I needed going to a treatment centre in November of 2019 for trauma and addiction and there started an emotional affair with a man, "a man in sheep's clothing." Oh the devil was good as it was secular and my guard was down. I was so deceived. I left that treatment centre and felt that he was "the one." He told me I was beautiful, my husband never did. He cared about all the useless information I was learning in my masters degree. So I left my husband and moved in with this man from treatment for a month.

How I am even embarrassed to say this now, that deep wound of needing to feel love from all the wrong places can only come from my HH (Heavenly Husband). You see I never had an earthy father who showed me what healthy love was so I looked everywhere in the world for it, even as a Christian... God got a hold of my heart quick and I came back to my husband, yet I was so confused and still thought I needed space from him. Well he decided he was done and found the OW (other woman), whom he is still involved with to this day (15 months later).

I quickly reached out to my church and built a team of prayer sisters to pray for my marriage 15 months ago... and for a time it was very good to have support in some of the most difficult times of my life.. My heart was completely broken watching my husband leave me, sell our family home and tell me he does not love me anymore and to move on. I deserved it right? So I thought, so for a year I begged and pleaded, did everything so he would see the change and put our family back together. NOPE that did not work, I am sure it drove him further into the OW arms.

So since a month ago applying these principles and never contacting my husband and "letting him go" and "winning without words" and letting him know I "released my lawyer." The hate wall is down. He actually smiles at me when he sees me, although lately I don't feel desperate and really want some space from him for the LORD to work on me. He texts me and is paying for more as he knows I am stretched thin. Now that he knows I have actually "let go." He is much friendlier. And praise God I have finally LET GO of my prayer team as the LORD was asking me to do, ALL I need is Him!!! I thought I never could... I am excited to keep you updated as the months go.

That God can change hearts:
"He put this in the kings heart." Ezra 7:27-38

"The LORD hardened Pharaohs heart." Exod. 14:7

For so long pastors and well meaning friends would tell me that its my husband's "will," whether he comes back.

"The kings heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes." Proverbs 21:1

TRUTH!! This scripture has given me so much HOPE.

"Blessed is the man/woman who does not walk in the couple of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and he meditates on it day and night." Psalm 1:1

Good News Translation: (I like the interpretation)

"Instead your beauty should consist of your inner self, the ageless beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is the greatest value in God's sight." 1 Pet. 3:4

Being a loud, know it all, argumentative woman who lectured her husband at every turn. This scripture has been like sweetness to my ears!!

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Arabella is a tithing partner. Learn more.