Acronyms are letters, such as SSG, which means, "Simply Seeking God" that is formed from the first letter of a phrase we use frequently and is often referring to a principle God promises to fulfill. “Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find . . .” plus “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God.

Emojis are a quick visual to aid you in finding what you're looking for and to bridge more things together.



*3C 3 Cord is one of our most important RMI Policies that ensures that everything we do is “Easy and Light ” and protected The 3C Principle comes from “A cord of three is not easily broken” and Aaron and Hur supported [Moses’] hands
*3T3C 3 Cord Teams made up of 3 Levels of Ministers: BD who oversees + the Minister + a Ministry Assistant who is being trained = 3T3C Policies. The 3T3C Principle combines “A cord of three is not easily broken”,  Aaron and Hur supported [Moses’] hands plus ensuring that our patients have a team equipt to minister as each has been "called according to His purpose."
BD Branch Director A Branch Director is a Minister who oversees one of our many branches like TRL “translations”, SFP “Spiritual Feeding Program (our many blogs), NRP “Narrow Road Publishing” for our books, or LNG “language” Exodus 18:17-27
BNN Brand New Name “You’ll get a brand-new name straight from the mouth of God” Isaiah 62:2 MSG

Policy. Use BNN + Radiant 😎 picture in your ministry email and in Telegram.

Not needed in

DT Donors Tools Donor Tools is the program used for donations.
EB Encouraging Bookstore

EBO Encouraging Bookstore Office

FAL Finding the Abundant Life book by Michele The first book to begin living the Abundant Life HH “You’re all I want, All I need, All I live for.”
FD Facing Divorce Facing Divorce Course
FDA Facing Divorce Facing Divorce AGAIN Course
*HTBB “How to Be Blessed” HTBB “How to Be Blessed” refers to a series we run in the Daily Encourager at the start of each new year. The Series runs for about 6 weeks. Also available to read at your pleasure on our site HTBB on Site
*HLM “He LEADS Me” This policy is based on the principle found in these 3 Promises

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; HE LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.” Psalm 23: 1-3

"Your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Rather than assume something is from the Lord or resist His leading—when you come to an obstacle use this phrase and watch the doors open or if they don’t just let it go--

"LORD, IF this is Your plan, show me how to do it."

JL Jumplinks Easy navigation links that can take you to the middle of a WordPress page.
MEQ Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire.

Refers to Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire that patients fill out.

Found at the bottom of
MTM Ministry Team Members Made up of ministers and translators, narrators, proofreaders, etc. who work with us on as a volunteer or IC

NRPH Narrow Road Publishing House RMI’s publishing company

PJ Restoration Journey
RJN Restoration Journey Novel RJN Kelly Todd
RMI Restore Ministries International
RMIEW Restore Ministries International Encouraging Women
RMT Restored Marriage Testimony posted each Friday
RF Restoration Fellowship Restoration Fellowship "A Church without Walls"
RFM Restoration Fellowship Member A woman who has let go of her church and trusts her HH to spiritually feed her here.
RYM Restore Your Marriage

aka wRYM for women or mRYM for men

SGN "Share the GOOD NEWS" We want to encourage everyone to not just take in what they learn, what heals them, frees them, encourages them, but to SHARE it with at least one other person.
SFP Spiritual Feeding Program Each of our Encourager blogs along with spiritual feeding women who are starving for the truth with our free lessons. “Feed my Sheep”

✔​RMT Restored Marriage Testimony

✔TTY Thursday Tank You



✔CHK Checked by Ministering Pastor

*SSG “Simply Seek God” is a term we use a lot! It is based on these 3 verses:

Matthew 7:7 KJV

James 1:5–8

Matthew 11:30

SS ✨  Salvation Stories Linked within Restoration Fellowship:

SS or Salvation Stories

Each one-time or new assignment should be dated with the current date and also a reasonable TD for the assignment to be finished.
TG Telegram The app that we use for Group Discussions and for advertising our Zoom Fellowships
TRL Translators
URL Refers to the web address and the way you find a site and page on a site. Examples:

WOTT Word of their Testimony
WSP WhatsApp The app that we use to discuss topics quickly, make phone calls to other countries, etc.

To make it easier to refer to rather than writing the entire word out.



💗 Love At Last heart is bursting as His BRIDE

❤️‍🩹 Restored Marriage Testimony heart has been mended

💕 Ministry Team Member

💝 GIVING found on each website's menu

💔 Hope at Last "He heals the broken hearted"

🪴 HomeGrown planted safely inside the home

🎓 IOU "I Owe You" giving back to Him by learning how to minister to others.

💖 Partners "Where your heart is"

💘 "He Healed Me"

💛 Never Married HOPEFUL faith of a child

💞 Ministry Team Member

📌 BLOG each website has their own blog

🙌🏻 PR

📍 About page

🏡 Home page

💖 partner "where your heart is"

💞 Mentors and Coaches twirling/rotating our hearts with His!


📚 EB Book sales on each website menu

📔 Journal

salvation on LOVE

🖤 molested HGM LOVE

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