🎢Love Song for the Weekend – Can I?

Can I call you Rose?

Can I call you Rose? (Can I call you Rose?)
Cause you're sweet like a flower in bloom
(Can I call you Rose?)
Can I call you Rose? (Can I call you Rose?)
Cause you're fragrance takes over the room, darling
(Can I call you Rose?)

I wanna plant you in my heart, oh
So love can grow

Can I call you Rose? (Can I call you Rose?)
Cause your thorns won't let love in too soon
(Can I call you Rose?)
Can I call you Rose? (Can I call you Rose?)
Cause your roots have the power to consume me
(Can I call you Rose?)

I wanna plant you in my heart, oh, oh
So love can grow

I was meditating on love and you and roses and
The universe told me: Put it in a love song

(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)
Oh, Rose
(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)
Oh, Rose
(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)
(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)
Won't you let me in your heart?
(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)
Your heart
(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)
Oh, your heart
(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)
(Put it in a love song, put it in a love, put it in a love song)

Oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh

The first time I heard this song, it was my darling daughter listening to it! I rememberΒ  thinking: Wow! She is enjoying "old songs!"Than one day, I woke up with the melody and while going to the office, I searched for the lyricsΒ  and tears fell down my cheek, as He reminded me that this is one of the names by which He is known: "Rose of Sharon".
Since then, I've been singing to Him: that He is sweet like a flower in bloom and also that His fragrance takes over the room...I changed this verse, so I can mean what I feel (for the young ladies and also for myself): "Cause MY thorns won't let love in too soon..."
I am so happy, I have this to share with my young missy, as she is on her own way to find True Love, I really wish she finds the Only One that can give her everlasting love, the One I now know is the Love of my life!
I hope you also enjoy it as much as my daughter and I enjoy!

I am a rose[a] of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. S2.1

Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;your name is like perfume poured out. Β Β No wonder the young women love you! S1.3

7 thoughts on “🎢Love Song for the Weekend – Can I?”

    1. Yes, Janine – it was really touching for me, as it came from my daughter and I was able to talk to her about being His bride and be so in love with Him ❣️

  1. Thank you Paula for sharing this song, I didn’t know it.
    And this part spoke to me: “I was meditating on love and you and roses and the universe said to me: Put it in a love song”
    I felt Him inviting me to sing a love song and be rocked in His loving arms…

    1. Yes, Marta! I felt the same, while, He was inviting me to sing to Him❣️

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this song dear Paula, while reading the lyrics, He placed these verses in my heart:

    “I am a rose[b] of Sharon,
    a lily of the valleys…

    10 My beloved spoke and said to me,
    β€œArise, my darling,
    my beautiful one, come with me.
    11 See! The winter is past;
    the rains are over and gone.
    12 Flowers appear on the earth;
    the season of singing has come,
    the cooing of doves
    is heard in our land.
    13 The fig tree forms its early fruit;
    the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
    Arise, come, my darling;
    my beautiful one, come with me.”
    Song of Solomon 2:1, 10-13 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Song+of+Solomon+2&version=NIV;KJV;NKJV;NLV)

    1. Yes Adina, this is exactly the verse He showed me and led me to share with my daughterπŸ’•

  3. I love this song, what a beautiful old song.
    The part that stood out for me:
    I wanna plant you in my heart, oh, oh
    So love can grow
    I can see the little plant grow in my heart and the love growing.

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