Prayer Team “Our HH was and IS here for us!”

Dear Brides and Partners, every day, women are being helped, because of your support! Thank you, with great appreciation! I only wish I could share all the details with you.

Some might think that it is hard to hear from hurting women, hard to read their stories and share in their pain. There are times when how they are hurting reminds us of a past hurt, but the JOY of it is, we have overcome that hurt, so we KNOW that our Heavenly Husband is there, right beside these women, and we know that He will help them, too!

Your support keeps our systems and computers running so that we are here to point women toward the One who can help them.

Here are a few Praise Reports within my Ministry *

We have FOUR new women on our Prayer Team, praying for everyone! All of these new team members came to RMIEW hurting and feeling alone. Here they found lessons and encouragement to seek HIM, and they are learning to walk beside Him. NOW, they are ready to pray for others, using their hearts and minds to focus on Him and on other women, so that they too can know the JOY of walking alongside a Heavenly Husband.

One of the team members, just yesterday, was focused on especially praying for “Jane”, who feels lost and angry at God. YET, she is here, seeking our help. We are praying and we just KNOW He will call “Jane” to His side, and she too will know the JOY of following Him.

Here’s What’s New! *

We have new ways to communicate with other PT members and encourage each other along the way. With more team members to help, we will be able to focus on prayer on the days we are called to serve!

“Katie” is new to our PT, but went through many trials of her own. Yet now she is able to participate and focus on helping other women. Beverly started helping with other tasks at RMIEW, but then her computer broke. Rather than despair, she asked Him what to do, and she was led to a totally different store, and they fixed the computer for a minimum price, THEN someone stepped in to pay for her bill!

“Rainey” was unable to access the pages she needed to participate on our team, but another team member thought of a way to make Rainey able to participate–it came to her as she prayed! Our HH was and IS here for us! We are praying that you seek Him, too!

Heavenly Love, you are so good! Sometimes we get discouraged, but if we go to your Word and lean IN, You are there! I have learned that when I feel inadequate, it is a reminder that I am trying to “haul the load”, rather than placing my burdens at your feet. PRAISE YOU LORD for taking on my burdens!!

Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God to minister? Trust me He can use you by just letting Him know you are willing. 2 Timothy 2:20-22 *

Ladies, seek Him for how you should use your time. Make sure you listen to His voice. There are many things here at RMIEW that need to be done every day. You might have a skill that we could use. BETTER YET–He might want you to learn a NEW SKILL–as I have learned MUCH about computers and documents by volunteering here. SEEK HIM! He has something for you to do to help!

~ Beverly
Consider joining our Prayer Team