3 Financial Blessings in 1 Week

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. P419

I have a fantastic praise to share with you. Just to give you some background so you can understand. The children's father's business has started to decline since covid and they are struggling to rebuild the loss. The result is that he can no longer pay child support and so over the years I had to take over some of the things he is supposed to pay. The last of these was the house that I had to start paying a few months ago, so financially it has been a bit of a struggle, but of course, my Husband will provide.

This week I couldn't see how we were going to get through the rest of the month, but I then told my Husband, I know He will provide. When I opened my email one day, I saw that someone had paid me money in my PayPal account. Wow, thanks my Love, that's enough to get us through the month.

Of course, my Husband didn't stop there, this week my brother came to visit us and put an air fryer on my table. He then said it was an early birthday present, because he bought it for them, but it was too small for them. Thank you, my Husband, I really wanted one.

There is more. My sister's daughter is getting married in December and invited us, but the wedding is 5 hours away and we have to pay for our accommodation and travel. I couldn't see how we could go because I have no idea what the future holds for us with the house payments and I'm also not sure if I'll be able to make the 5 hours drive with my old car. I started preparing my children that we might not be able to go and just last night my brother called me and told me they would pay for us and we could ride with them. Wow, I let my sister know that we could come and she then told me that they were going to pay for us and that my brother did it first! Can you believe it??? My Husband put it on both of their hearts to pay for us.

How wonderful is He? In one week He shows me that He will supply all our needs, but not only needs, but so much more. Ladies, trust Him and He will come through for you no matter what.

For more encouragement, please read more Protection of Tithing Testimonies.

21 thoughts on “3 Financial Blessings in 1 Week”

  1. Ouuuuuuh yvonnne

    Woowww quelle eloge vraiment je rends grace a Dieu pour ton tΓ©moignage je te remercie vraiment je ne sais pas vraiment comment je vais remboursΓ© certaine dette mais je m’appuie sur ton eloge pour faire confiance a notre HH.
    A lui seul sois la gloire
    Ouuuuuuh yvonnne

    Woowww what praise really I give thanks to God for your testimony I really thank you I don’t really know how I’m going to repay certain debts but I rely on your praise to trust our HH.
    To him alone be the glory

    1. Thank you for sharing Yvonne! He is always working behind the scenes. Have a blessed day.

      ‭Jeremiah 17:7 NIV‬
      [7] β€œBut blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.


      1. Yes, He is Elora makes me think of what Janine always speak about the big black curtain that looks like a cement wall, but it is actually just a curtain and He is working behind it to make a masterpiece for us.

    2. He will come through for you. I have so many financial praises that He did for me right after my divorce when things were going so bad that I had no idea where our next meal will come from. He made a way where I could see no way. I cannot wait to hear the testimony that you will share shortly.

  2. Wow Yvonne, thank you for your praise! I am amazed at what He did for you and of course He won’t stop here… He will work out everything for good because you are faithful to put Him first and giving your tithes!

    “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10

    “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, β€œand see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3:8-12

    1. Amazing isn’t it Adina. Now we are just waiting for Him to bless you with an Airfryer.🀩

      1. I will share my testimony WHEN He bless me with an airfryer \o/\o/\o/

  3. Wow!! Praise the Lord! What beautiful testimonies of his faithfulness in providing for all the needs and desires of his bride! Thank you for sharing Yvonne, it is wonderful to know that He alone is enough!!

  4. I love this praise ✨ He is good and so faithful. He caees so nuch about our desires and our families and bring us closer to Him and then. He is indeed our provider and the only one who loves beyond our understanding. He is always working things for our good and His glory. Praise Him ❀️ you are going to enjoy your family even more

    1. Isabella, so wonderful to hear from you. We have not spoken in a while. Thank you for the beautiful kind words and yes He loves us beyond our understanding.

  5. Thank you for sharing these beautiful testimonies and wow 3 blessings in one week, our Darling Lord is really wonderful! This is such an encouragement.

    This reminds me of years ago: you asked me to pray for you that something be paid and I asked you what you were going to do (because I remember you faithfully paid your tithe and I have to admit I was so very very wrong to think but how do you tithe). And I will never ever forget your answer: “I don’t know, but the Lord will provide and the Lord did provide for you because His word says:
    “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” M3:10 https://biblehub.com/multi/malachi/3-10.htm

    1. I actually remember the one time we were in the kitchen near your office when we spoke about it. Sometime things like that just sticks in your head.

  6. Wow Yvonne I love this testimony. It’s amazing how your Heavenly Spouse takes care of you and pampers you. This is certainly because of His protection that comes with faithful tithing. I can also tell you that you have no worries. He will provide. I know you will have a great time. Thank you for sharing the love that is due to every woman from our Heavenly Husband. Again 3 blessings in one week amazingπŸ₯³

    1. Yes, we are very excited to go the wedding. I just spoke to my brother this morning and he was confirming that our place is booked and paid. So excited!!

  7. Que hermoso Yvonne, como somos testigos, de los milagros que Nuestro Amado hace por nosotras. Solo El puede mover los corazones de los demas, y darnos Sus bendiciones.
    How beautiful Yvonne, how we are witnesses, of the miracles that Our Beloved does for us. Only He can move the hearts of others, and give us His blessings.

    1. Yes, it is amazing how He touches hearts right and what happened with Him speaking to the heart of my sister and brother caused me to also sit with Him and ask Him to let me hear His voice even better so when He says give, I can give.

  8. Wow
    thank you Yvonne for this beautiful testimony. I feel encouraged this morning amidst the debts,loans and bills that are chocking me. I trust my HH to supply all my needs and bless me with much more 😍

    1. Oh Eve, I totally understand. I had a huge loan that I was paying off for years and finally finished it last year, it was such a huge weight off my shoulders because I have been so financially unwise and He really changed me so I clung to the verse that says: Owe no one nothing except to love them. I am probably quoting it wrong, let me find it.
      So I would say: “Help me to owe no one nothing except to love them” that I learned in these lessons



  9. What a beautiful testimony Yvonne, so nice to see how He blesses you and your family. What wonderful Heavenly Husband we have. He knows what we need and knows our desires, which gives us wonderful peace.
    Tithing remains a wonderful principle with wonderful blessings.

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