Wrongly Seeking Marriage Restoration First

The following PR is from a gentleman who is currently enrolled in the Men’s RRR courses!

~ Vander in Federal District

Wrongly Seeking Marriage Restoration First

During this first week of theΒ course, I learned that I must seek the Lord God above all things, and now is in fact what I do. Therefore, I realized I was wrongly seeking the restoration of my marriage above my relationship with Him. And that is a mistake that many ministries commit, to pray specifically in favor of a restoration, without awareness that we made mistakes, which led to marriage separation or a divorce, due to Him not being first in our lives and hearts. So praise the Lord for all the learning that I am having from this ministry!

This week has been especially transforming. I’m sure that as I walk forward with what I’ve learned and because of my relationship with Him, so much will change inside me and I will be able to share wonderful experiences with the Lord with everyone I meet. Even now I am having the grace to help others I meet. I have to thank God for all you have done in my life, thank you for your ministry. Please thank everyone, because without them, I could not have learned and more, I would never have experienced a gentle spirit and a broken heart. Thank God He loved me and sent me to this wonderful ministry.