He is Ready to Take Your Hand

β™• Today's Promise: β€œFor whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” Matthew 16:25

☊ PR Podcast Rebekah

Dear Brides, Take time to read this chapter, What Is the Abundant Life?, and this book. I've felt led to read this and I know it's the beginning of big changes in me. The Lord loves you and wants all of you.

I've read this several times but I believe the Lord has placed me here again because I am ready to receive it. He has taught me in this lesson that only He matters and only He can bring me the life I've been longing for. The hope for restoration, the dreams I have had must fall away in order for the Lord take His rightful place as our Heavenly Husband. My joy is in Him and truly if I have Him I have everything and I need nothing else. So my time with the Lord is going to be spent praising and loving Him for who He is and not what He can give me.

I have been struggling to let go but reading this and experiencing a former husband who is cruel I couldn't help to think well the Lord said He loves me and He loved me so much that He died for me, how can I not love Him first. I just know that I had to go through brokenness in order to get to the point of complete surrender and saying to the Lord, with You I have everything. I have struggled but I know my Lord has me and that's all I need.

Spending more time with my Heavenly Husband, praising Him and singing to Him. I will also be saying as much as I can. "You are all I want, all I need and with You I have everything." I will live a life that radiates the love of Jesus and at work I will step outside of my cubicle and radiate God's love.

Lord, I have been struggling with rejection, pain and hurt, all these things are burdens that I should not be bearing because I have you and you are everything for me. Lord my heart has been longing for my Former Husband and I repent because I have not made you first in my life. Lord, I ask you to help me in this area.

Lord I just have one thing to ask. That you change me and turn my heart to be yours alone. That you show me how to do that and how to just delight myself in you and nothing else.

Dear Brides, It just seems counter to what the world says but stop looking to circumstance and to the outside, look to the Lord. He is ready to take your hand and walk with you. Enjoy your time with Him now.

β€œFor whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt. 16:25).

This just struck me and I couldn't stop reading it. I think it means a lot because we hold on to things of this world hoping to get in life but letting it all go and releasing it all, losing it all, is the way to find life with the Lord.

If you want to start living the abundant life it starts with understanding what it is and who the only source is. This book begins with the Lord and ends with the Lord. You will be transformed to love Him above all else.

~ Rebekah in Virginia
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