Sneak Hugs

β™• Today's Promise: β€œDo not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

☊ PR Podcast Yvonne

I have often spoken about my daughter and her faith in the Lord, today I want to praise the Lord for what He is doing in my son’s life.

My son was diagnosed to be on the spectrum of autism, you will see that in some of my earlier praise reports.

He does not like physical contact with others and his mind works a bit differently than most people. I happen to love the way his mind works and the two of us can spend so much time talking about fascinating things and also just speculating about things jokingly.

For example, a while ago we heard on the news I heard about murder hornets and I called him so we could investigate the matter and we spend so much time finding out about them and discussed it at length. We would also discuss things like how some insects could live for a while without their heads and all sorts of things like that.

Now me growing up with mostly boys around me, of course, I and my son would also discuss things like the difference between superheroes and vigilantes. πŸ™‚

The Lord gave me this boy because He knew I would understand him and we would be able to relate.

I remember when he was very young we went to visit a friend of mine and she kissed him on the lips, this is a big no, you can kiss him on the forehead, but only if you are a close family like me and his dad and grandmother, but never on the lips.

When he turned around he looked at me with horror and I could see he was debating on whether this would be worth the trouble he would be in for being disrespectful and he judged that it would be worth it and there and then wiped his mouth! I know I should have scolded him afterward, but I just could not.

This gives you a little background on my son and the reason I am giving you this background, is because I need to show you how much his Heavenly Father is changing him. With them being with their dad most of the time these past few months, I was starting to wonder if they even missed me and I of course complained to the Lord. With me complaining to my Heavenly Husband so much I am sure, I would have made a great Psalmist. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

They came back for only one week and my son, getting that this is a short time decided to make the most of it. Let me first start by saying that when they came home they told me that they instantly regretted saying they would go back after only a week of being home, but they do it because their step brother asks and they don’t know how to say no to him. This is something I told them to take up with their Heavenly Father as I know that only He can help them as much as I would want to.

Coming back to this. My son would start something that he called β€œsneak hugs”. Whenever I was busy with something he would try to sneak up on me to just hug me. He would go to extremes and climb through underneath the table while I was working so he could sneak hug me. One day I was sitting on the couch and he came up next to me and I knew what was coming so pretended to not see him and instead of just hugging me, he gave me a kiss on the cheek!!!

Now if you know my son you would understand what a big deal that is and only just writing about it, brings tears to my eyes.

When their dad came to fetch them that Sunday, he could clearly see that they were not very willing to go with him and he said that this would be the last time they would visit for 2 weeks at a time.

Those two weeks end in a few days and I do not know what is going to happen after that, but all I know is I am going to stand still and praise the Lord and know that He has this battle. They are His children after all. πŸ™‚

Romans 12:2–Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

He is teaching me that I should not think as the world thinks. I should not label my son as the world labels him. I should know that He made this boy exactly as he should be and also for His name to be glorified.

~ Yvonne in South Africa
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