My Children Can Keep Learning From Home

โ™• Today's Promise: O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust, waiting upon the Lord now and forever." Psalm 131:3 TPT

โ˜Š PR Podcast Yvonne

The children were supposed to return back to school and I was getting a bit anxious I must admit because no final decision has been made yet regarding whether we were going to send them back this year in the midst of a pandemic or not.

Also, the school was not really committing to us that they will help us with distance learning. Let me just explain that in our country registering your children for home-schooling is not easy and doing it at such a late stage in the year makes it even more so and then you still need to follow the curriculum of the department meaning we need to buy all the books the government prescribes which are very expensive. Where now all of that is provided by the school.

I resisted the urge to contact my former husband and ask him to make a decision and just kept trusting that my Heavenly Husband has it all under control.

Just a few days before the opening of school my former husband contacted me saying that no, we will not send the kids back to school that he phoned the school and that if we fill in some paperwork to show that one of the family members are at risk, we can participate in their distance learning program.

My children are healthy and we are healthy so there is no one in our family at risk...Turns out my former husband's wife has lupus, which is a long term autoimmune disease. I was able to do the paperwork and now my children can keep learning from home!!!

And of course, you know what I am going to say next: There is even more!!! The school will have available for us the whole week's worth of study material every Monday. All we have to do is collect it at the gate and the lessons are all worked out. We only have to present it.

Isn't He sooo amazing!!!

Homeschooling still takes place at both households and I have given this to Him as well and when the kids are not here, I am thoroughly enjoying my time with Him alone just knowing that as I am currently speaking to you, His will is being done in my life.

There is the short Psalm that has been on my mind lately:

Psalm 131โ€”

"Lord, my heart is meek before you. I donโ€™t consider myself better than others. Iโ€™m content to not pursue matters that are over my headโ€”such as your complex mysteries and wondersโ€”that Iโ€™m not yet ready to understand. I am humbled and quieted in your presence. Like a contented child who rests on its motherโ€™s lap, Iโ€™m your resting child and my soul is content in you. O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust, waiting upon the Lord now and forever."

~ Yvonne in South Africa
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