Kind and Gentle-minded Woman

β™• Today's Promise: "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body". Ephesians 5:22-23

☊ PR Podcast Poppy

I am so happy to see how the Lord works in everyone's life. Dear ones, almost 3 years ago I came knocking on the door of a university friend after more than 25 years without seeing us. This meeting was literally divine, because I did not even have the address of her house but the Lord led me there. At that time, she was very touched when she saw me and asked me the reason for my visit, but I couldn't answer because I didn't know it yet. A few minutes later, she told me that her husband had left home after 13 years of marriage.

Two days later, I took RYM's book and told her to read it to find the answers. Her process like yours and mine is not easy, but God has given us the strength to support each other when we have failed and she has learned to trust our Heavenly Husband more and more.

This weekend I got her call and I was so scared I thought something had happened to her dad who was diagnosed with cancer. But the joy went further. Her husband had bought her a perfume weeks ago as a gift for Mother's Day, this weekend he took her out to buy some clothes. When they returned home, the Lord softened her husband's heart and they were able to have intimacy.

My friend called me scared because she didn't know whether or not she was right in front of God. I shared with her: Friend, God is happy and allowed it as a reward for your obedience. As long as you are legally married to your husband, these meetings are quite normal and welcome in the sight of the Lord.

The most wonderful thing of all is that before her husband left the house he had told her openly that he had no sexual desire towards her, however, God worked so hard on my friend's character. that now her husband sees a kind and gentle-minded woman. A person who doesn't bother him anymore, doesn't persecute him anymore and doesn't control. I want to thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to see the development of this marriage restoration.

~ Poppy in Costa Rica
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