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β™• Today's Promise: "Whoever scorns instruction will pay for it, but whoever respects a command is rewarded." Proverbs 13:13

☊ PR Podcast Poppy

Today I got a call from a friend I met at a retreat about 3 years ago. At first, because I had a very great lack of spiritual maturity, I fell into the trap of counseling her by using the lessons of RMI classes as if it were a cooking recipe for a restored marriage.

I know many of you will laugh after reading this and I know other women identify with themselves because this is what they keep doing.

The point is that over time the Lord showed me the big mistake I was making with her because she depended on me and not on him. The addiction she had created was such that no matter what little thing her earthly husband did, she would pick up the phone and ask me what to do. As much as it pained my heart, I had to tell her one day that I would no longer respond to her calls or messages because I was the rock that made her trip over and that her dependence had to be on the Lord and not on me.

Today, after almost 1 year without speaking to us, I answered her call and heard the sweet news that her husband had returned home 2 days ago. I was glad with joy to know that another family is being restored to the Glory of God, however, my joy was eclipsed because they again fell into the temptation to call me but in fact, what she wanted again was to hear a list of things to do to keep her husband at home.

The Lord has already taught me to keep my mouth shut in these cases and to address them only to him or to his word, but this case accompanied by a message from another bride who begins her journey and who asked Help understanding the views of the Abundant Life courses leads me to think that many brides continue to view RMI courses and materials as recipes and not as an open book with full principles (food) for their spiritual growth.

The only recipe that works for any restoration, be it marital, family, professional or personal is to achieve intimacy with our beloved, seeking him with all our heart for absolutely everything, because He is the only one to know the plans of our life. There is no one else to do it.

I personally thank the Lord infinitely because through RMI, He opened my spiritual eyes, allowing me to know His truths and promises and taught me to be comfortable with my situation by being at peace regardless of my trials.

So my dear brides, if you are still tempted to ask other people, "And now that I am in this circumstance, what should I do?" Without having spoken with the Lord and waiting for his answer, it is time to surrender to him, give him your heart and become his Bride. Becoming his bride does not mean being against a restoration, on the contrary, it means depending solely and exclusively on him to make our life his will.

~ Poppy in Costa Rica
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