My Beloved Blessed Me With a Trip

β™• Today's Promise: "For God will never give you the spirit of fear…” 2 Timothy 1:7

☊ PR Podcast Paula

This last week, my Beloved blessed me with a family trip. My sister, nephew and niece,Β  my sons and I went together to a coastal city with the most beautiful beaches in our state!

Everyday was like a dream came true, different beaches, yummy meals, we all feel pampered by their Heavenly Father and our Husband! I was so happy for the opportunity we had to realize that we are all really having blessed days and we could not stop thanking Him, even though my family is not a religious one, we all sense that God was with us, because of the tiny and big details in this trip He blessed us with. \o/

Especially today, I want to thank Him and share with you what I sense is the icing on the cake part of our trip! As I told you before, my sister is going through her second divorce and she was very depressed, because of that I guess that all of us became worried and afraid of her reactions and began to consider her unable to do some kinds of things, such as to drive.

We planned to rent a car so all of us can go together to the beach, but I discovered that I had a problem with my license and could not drive on the road πŸ™ At first I began to feel frustrated with the eh with myself, for not having solved this situation before. But then, I could see how He really leads us and always takes Good from the evil that we often cause by our behavior, thank you my Love!

After looking for other options, I asked my sister how she would feel driving for some miles after a long time. My surprise was her answer: "YES, YES, YES! It is a dream coming true!!" She began telling me how she asked our father if she can drive his car, but he sharply told her that she was unable to do so πŸ™

I confess I was a little bit afraid of letting her drive, but as I had already asked Him what He thought about and everytime He said to me: "Ask her, ask her!" I chose to trust Him, and then we went to the road, with Him guiding us!! Arriving there, I asked my sister how she felt, she smiled and said, "I was very afraid of failing, but God helped me with my fears, and here we are! Thank You, Lord!"

I am really so thankful for the way He takes care ofΒ  everyone we love <3 Mostly, I am thankful, because it was the way her sons could see her able to help, as she seemed to be so hopeless and unable, we all can slightly see of how her HH (Heavenly Husband) sees her and I already can see the bride she is for Him <3

As the days went on, we could share how His love and presence is with us every step of our way, and like this trip, our life is a journey and He is the One leading and taking care of us \o/

~ Paula in Brazil
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