RESTORED Marriage Testimony: EH was Transferred and I Refused to Go with Him

♕Today's Promise: For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Him with a resounding “Yes!” And through Him, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory. 2 Corinthians 1:20

☊ RMT Audio

Meliza, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

I want to thank my HH (Heavenly Husband) who allowed me to go through this desert and show me how much I was wandering due to being religious. I was always a very contentious woman, everything had to be my way and without realizing it I hurt my husband. Looking back I see how foolish it was as I did not build my house on the Rock. It made my husband feel rejected in all aspects, including our intimacy. I was so foolish when my EH (earthly husband) was transferred from where we lived and I refused to go with him because I complained  I would have to live in a small town and leave my house. We stayed apart for 2 years, living in separate houses. 

This physical distance between my husband from me caused me to also emotionally distance myself from him too because I wanted him to come to know the Lord, playing a junior holy spirit. Instead of seeking the Lord for himself, my husband became aggressive, distant, sad and one day when he came to our vacation home from work, he said that he didn't know what he felt for me anymore, that we were very different, and that it was better for each of us to go his/her own way. I finally realized that things were not so good, that my marriage was falling apart. I panicked and asked my husband for just a bit more time, I asked him to try to change and I would try to change too. Then I asked him to take me back with him where he worked, but he said he didn't want that anymore. I suspected that he had an OW (other woman), but he always denied it.

So we remained in this situation for another 8 months, continued with many fights, a lot of suffering for both of us, and soon the wear and tear began to get to us both. Then one day I was looking for evidence of an OW and I found some pictures when I logged into his email account. I said many terrible things to him, thinking he would ask me for forgiveness. To my disappointment and shock, he confessed that he really had an OW, that he loved her, that he didn't love me anymore, that he had no intention of staying in our marriage, and moved out of the house completely.

How did God change your situation, Meliza, as you sought Him wholeheartedly? 

At the height of my pain, now entirely alone, I began to search for restored marriage testimonies on YouTube and a comment caught my attention. It said God CAN restore your marriage, He restored mine! I contacted this sister who posted it and she directed me to the website and I just knew it was my Divine Appointment. I started reading the book How God can and will restore your marriage when the scales fell from my eyes.

It happened in an instant God spoke to me! I could see how far I was from His principles even though I was attending church and how I had been ruthless towards my husband. I began to seek God with all my heart, repenting of all my sins and surrendering all my pain and disappointments to Him. I needed to change, I could not continue to be contentious, aggressive, agitated. God said He restores marriages, but I imagined it would take too long so I concentrated on getting myself right with my Heavenly Beloved and left any restoration to Him.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Meliza, did the Lord teach you during this trial? 

The principle of letting go, of not getting in the way of my husband, not wanting to know about his life and OW. The principle of knowing how to be quiet, which was hard because I always had something to say to justify myself but I learned to listen, to remain gentle, and respond quietly to anything he said. The principle of having lovable and sweet lips, to meditate on the Word of God and pray the Bible verses as His promises to me.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Meliza?

During the many hours of solitude, you know when the pain was so strong? I would put on a hymn and cry like a child and get up into the lap of my Heavenly Father. Also, something very difficult was dealing with the shame. Nobody likes to be betrayed and I was very ashamed of my broken marriage. It was difficult to hear certain comments from family and friends, but I held on to God's promises and trusted in His actions, knowing He would complete what He began.

Meliza, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?  

The turning point was when I knew I was fine. I had no anxiety anymore, in fact, I was already loving my life with my Heavenly Beloved. I came to the point of not wanting my marriage restored but telling my HH (Heavenly Husband)"God's will be done." My husband started to notice that I was happy—much different from the woman he left and then he started looking for me, to talk and then looking for me to be intimate. I was always kind to him and not once did I pursue him. After we were intimate, I just up and left (after telling my HH (Heavenly Husband) how much it hurt to be so close and then to be walked out on). That shocked my EH and later he said it was a wake-up call and he began to worry he'd lost me.

Tell us HOW it happened, Meliza? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Meliza, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored? 

One day he started looking for me, saying he couldn't sleep, that he thought about us a lot. A day or two later he called me and said that I wasn't supposed to think it was over for us, that there was a chance we could come back and be together again. I started to disconnect more and more, turning off my cell phone, not answering emails. I really just wanted to devote myself to spending time with my Heavenly Beloved. Meanwhile, God was turning my husband's heart toward me. 

One day my husband sent a message saying that he loved me, that he wanted to come back, that he was done with OW. Then I said I was wanted to offer him unconditional love and forgiveness, that he was my husband and I wanted to live with him. However, he was still a little confused as he worked in another city. So he ended up spending 15 more days there. I confess that I was at first afraid he would give up, but then I remembered I wasn't interested in restoration anyway and got really happy! I turned my attention to seeking my Beloved and only spoke briefly to my husband if he was looking for me. Until he called me and said he was on his way, packed and driving to our house. He came back and the next week was transferred back to our city where he works now.

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Meliza?

Yes. I recommend all materials especially the book as God can and will restore your marriage. The courses, videos, encourager.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Meliza? 

Yes. I found help because someone posted hope on YouTube. I want to be able to help other women who go through this situation and hope that any of you reading this will post testimonies to give hope to the hopeless who are out there afraid and alone.

Either way, Meliza, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

My loved ones do not give up fighting for your family, for this is the will of God for you. Enjoy the journey of restoration and have more intimacies with the Lord if you let yourself be shaped by Him, trust in His word, rest your heart in Him because every promise that God made you He will fulfill and you will not be ashamed.“For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Him with a resounding “Yes!” And through Him, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.” 2 Corinthians 1:20

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