Weight Off My Shoulders

♕ Today's Promise: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

☊ PR Audio Ladavia

Dearest Brides,

I find it ironic that one of my favorite quotes when I was a teenager is quite literally what I have to do right now in my life. If you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you, it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it never was. –Richard Bach I had such a different picture in my head of what that would look like and feel like.

I don’t know about you, but “letting go” is harder than it sounds. I keep telling myself I’ve “let go”. I keep telling God I give it to Him and I trust Him to do His will in every situation. Then, my dear Heavenly Husband showed me I hadn’t let go in an area I hadn’t even thought about, my passwords. Yes, my passwords. Are you as surprised as I was? I hadn’t even thought about it. You see my passwords reflected my husband and I. This affected my personal and professional passwords. Have you ever thought about how many times you have to use a password daily? For me, it is quite literally 20+ times a day. That is 20+ reminders daily of my earthly husband. It’s no wonder I couldn’t fully “let go” because I was reminding myself constantly of him and I didn’t even realize it or want to admit it. I was holding on to the last shred of control I thought I had. Like my passwords have anything to do with proving my love or reconciling our relationship. The enemy is such a liar!

So, I have changed all my passwords to reflect my Heavenly Husband. Now, I have a constant reminder of my Heavenly Husband throughout the day and it is a more pleasant reminder. Ladies, do you know how freeing that is? My Heavenly Husband lifted another weight off my shoulders. I never would have thought changing a password could be so freeing!

I encourage you to look at all areas to see if you have fully “let go”. If not, your Heavenly Husband will show you, but this is one area I can testify to. If you have passwords that are reminders of your earthly husband and haven’t done this, try it! Feel the goodness of His love as He lifts another weight from your shoulders as you “let go” a little more and trust Him.

Stay encouraged sweet sisters,

Much love and blessings

~ Ladavia in Texas
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