I Cannot Stay Away,

I’m going through the course Finding the Abundant Life, and am back going through Chapter 3 “The Love of My Life” again pondering this verse “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.” James 2:26

I did not quite understand this verse until I read a testimony posted on encouraginwomen.org today. It is really all about having faith, faith to believe that He gave up his one and only son for our sins, so that we could live a life of victory, not lacking in any good thing!. Faith to believe that Jesus is our HH and that He will provide for our needs and take care of every area of our lives and families, and by having this faith to stop worrying and stressing (now I’m seriously preaching to myself!!). To really just leave everything in His capable hands knowing that He will work everything out for our good!

I never previously thought of the Lord as my HH, only when I started reading the RYM book. It has helped me to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with him that I would never have even been able to imagine! The title of this chapter is “The love of my Life”. I’m pondering this right now and thinking back… one of the first things I learnt from this ministry which really spoke to me was the verse in Revelations “For I have this against you” you have left your 1st love. I did not even know when I went through my marriage struggles that it was due to leaving my 1st love behind, I did not even know that Jesus is my 1st love – the love of my life.

Knowing that He is “The love of my Life” is truly amazing, not only is He my Maker, the Holy One of Israel but He is my LOVE! This concept was hard for me to grasp at 1st and it took faith for me to confess and believe. But it has been the hugest blessing in my life! He is the love of my life! He has done so much for me as I have put my trust in Him, as I’ve learnt more and more from this ministry.

I encountered many struggles on my journey and the biggest struggle I have had and it’s something I think EVERYONE struggles with is leaning and doing things in my own strength or looking to my EH to take care of it, which he cannot always do as he is only human.

Not looking to Him as my HH, the love of my life who will take care of everything instead of my EH, stressing, worrying. Doing things without waiting, being in a hurry to fix things without seeking Him 1st. I have done this many, many times. I feel my neck & shoulders tensing, I feel the stress rushing through my body, the anxiousness, a headache coming on.

It is my lunch break, thank you Lord for leading me here to work on this journal to show me you ARE the love of my life as I complete this journal and reflect on your goodness to me over and over I know that you WILL take care of everything.

I know Lord that as I surrender to you that I will reflect radiance and I know that you will take care of every worry, every stress that can tense up my body so that I can help others that can actually get physically sick with worry and stress.

When I was younger before I met my EH, I desperately wanted a boyfriend that I could love or even someone who could provide me with the things that I did not have. More than anything else I think I just wanted someone in my life who could love me for me. I wanted a boyfriend who had a car and could take me to nice places and shower me with gifts. I was very vulnerable and did make bad choices, running after guys making myself look silly and desperate. Looking back I thank the Lord for keeping me safe from harm. I wish I knew back then who the TRUE love of my life is.

By spending my time with my HH, learning to yearn and desire Him. To find that quiet, intimate time when I can be all alone with Him. I want to help other women and young girls and tell them about this awesome HH or “boyfriend” they can have who will love them like no other “boyfriend” can.

But I have come to learn that I don’t have to go tell others about this awesome HH in my strength because He usually opens up the way for me to speak to other women. I just have to be bold enough in the conversation to proclaim what He has done for me and that He will do the same for them if they seek Him. This I have to be bold in – (to encourage them to seek Him as their HH) when my HH opens the way for me.He usually opens up the way for me to speak to other women. I just have to be bold enough in the conversation to proclaim what He has done for me and that He will do the same for them if they seek Him. This I have to be bold in – (to encourage them to seek Him as their HH) when my HH opens the way for me.

Dear Brides,
It’s not always easy to understand when you read a chapter because the ways of this world become so deeply rooted and ingrained in our hearts, minds, and spirits. I know for myself I would never have thought about my dear Lord as my Heavenly Husband until I lost my earthly husband. It’s true He will take away lover and friend to become the love of your life. But once you experience this love once, you will always come back. I know this personally because of this Love, the love of my life, after He restored my marriage, for a time I turned my back to how I thought, but there was always something missing and I knew it was the Love of my Life, my dear HH. I cannot stay away from Him, I want to experience more and more of His love and love Him the way He deserves to be loved by me. My prayer is that He teaches me each & every day how to love Him more!

Dear Brides, no earthly man can satisfy or complete you like this Love. No earthly man can know your heart and mind the way this Love can. Why not give your heart to Him? As you read this chapter “The Love of My Life” you will be encouraged by a woman who has experienced a love like no other, who experienced it to such a degree that she had to share about it, write about it and boldly too, without fear of what people would say or think.  This book will take you to a higher, deeper level in your relationship with the Lord.

Atarah in Namibia