Not a Begging Person Now

Words cannot express the gratitude I have in my heart for what you did for me, and so many others, but giving all the Glory to God, I will try. By investing your time or money, or any effort you had made, you are changing people’s lives, like mine. I was so different before God led me to RMI. I was a completely lost soul; even when I believed I was a Christian, I wasn’t. I was very contentious, a controlling woman, full of sin, fear and pride, a rebel daughter, wife and woman. I was so, so far from the wise woman I needed to be. These lessons have made me aware of so many truths we miss every day in our lives, and so many lies the enemy uses to try to destroy us, but thanks to God, our faithful Father, and to Jesus our Sweet Love and HH, I found this ministry, and my life has not been the same since that day. I am a new woman; I am no longer a slave of fear; I am a child of God. I am the bride of the most greatest husband I could ever dream about. I have my true love, right close to me, every day, all the time. I have peace in my heart, this beautiful and perfect peace that only comes from our beloved Jesus, from His perfect Love. It was only after I renewed my mind on God’s Word, through these lessons, that I was able to see with the eyes of faith and keep my eyes on my Lord and not on my situation. These lessons helped me to become wiser, because they are full of God’s Word. Thank You, thank you, thank you so much. For all you have done, my lovely Father may bless you and your families until it overflows, according to His will.

Just one week before I was led by God to RMI, my EH told me he no longer wanted to be with me, that he will move away to another state, where he is right now with his kids, and I have to stay here, in MD, because it does not matter anymore if he loved me or not, but he wanted to be out of our marriage. I was so devastated, desperate, full of pain, and I could not understand why this happened to me. I knew my marriage wasn’t what I wanted it to be before, because we had tried so many times to make it work without fights, but we only made it worse. But I never imaged this will happen. I felt I was dying. I felt so lost, and even thought that only dying will make all this go away. But praise be the name of my King, Lord and God, Jehovah, Who by His grace and mercy, send me to RMI, and through this ministry, He changed my life forever.

Oh! my God, my Lord, King of my heart, lover of my soul, how wonderful you are; I love you with all my heart. There is no other god like You in heaven or earth. You are the king of kings. the creator of everything. You know what my love? What is inside of me right now, is a perfect peace and love that only comes from you. And I am so grateful to you, for what you have done in my life. This RJ has been so painful, and very difficult at times, but it is all worth it, because it has been the most beautiful experience I ever had.

Meeting you as my HH, that has no price. Even if this will be the only result from this RJ, it is all I want and need. You are my life. Without you, I am nothing, no one, but with you, I am precious in your eyes; I am a new creature, a new woman, the daughter of the King of heaven and earth and the Bride of the Lord, my Sweet Love Jesus. Thank you for being so patient with me; I know I am not an easy person, but you, with all your love and grace, helped me to become different, to feel beautiful and loved again, to feel alive. Because You live in my heart, I have a new life. Thank you for leading me to RMI and for using them to help me to change, to open my eyes to the truth that we can only found in your Word. Thank you for taking care of me and those I love. Thank you for loving me the way you do, and for never let me alone. Thank you for letting me know you as my HH; you make me the happiest woman on this earth. For I know how much you do love me, Jesus, my Sweet Love; I love you too. Take my life, and do your will in me. Amen.

Dear bride, please be aware that this will be the most beautiful experience you will ever have if you continue in this RJ with your eyes focused on Jesus. Even when it is so painful at times, you will be in perfect peace. Please do not give up. Instead, give all to God, and let Him work on it. You are not alone. God is right there, close to you, to help you, to love you, to let you feel his love for you, to tell you everything is going to be fine; just trust in Him. I pray for You to find Jesus as your Heavenly Husband, for I know this will make you completely new, and if you already have, I pray He will overflow your heart with His joy and love, so you will be radiant. I am still walking in this RJ, but I know Jesus is all we need to be ok. Everything is going to be good, just keep your eyes on Jesus, and see how he does the miracle in your life. God bless you.

Thank You!!

~ Nancy in Maryland 

Update: Nancy was able to be part of the first Nicaragua Retreat, is planning to attend the second Retreat this year, and has since been helping our sweet Veronica in her RBG ministry. What you sow, He promises will bring about a harvest, “some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.” (Matthew 13:23), which is where He encourages us to invest. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21). 

Next, praise from Marsha who is in the Philippines.

I would like to thank God first of all, for leading me in this ministry, and the partners that He is using to proclaim the words and principles to change ourselves first, then our situation. I was so desperate, at first, when I came here, but I am better now, and I depend more on my God, my Heavenly Husband. AGAIN thank you to all the partners here that sow their seeds and help a lot of spouses to be that Godly spouse/person/parent God wants us to be, eventually leading us to a restored relationship with God, then to our spouses.

I highly recommended the book, because it helped me understand God’s words more and the purpose for my marriage and life and family. It renewed my mind and opened my eyes to what kind of wife I am that led to the problem in my marriage. Through the course, I learned to be much quiet and zip my lips, even when I want to email, call or message my husband and confront him. Because of this course, you will be much closer to God and depend on God for everything.

Until now, the communication was still not good with my husband. I was always calling and begging my husband, asking him questions, and all that crazy stuff, getting so upset with the things he does and he does not. I will remain quiet and gentle and loving and not retaliate. May God surprise me and make me forgive everything and make me a different wife than I used to be. I already have let go of my FB, but my messenger is still online, but the problem is I still check my husband through my daughter’s FB. But God is good; it is lessened now. I am also not so much of the begging person now. Slowly I am letting God take over. Thank you for this ministry, and of course to God who led me here when I just want to quit even praying for my husband.

Thank you, Lord. Praise you, and bless your most Holy name. Thank you for taking care of me and the kids. I know and believe that even if I do not hear anything, on the other side my husband is slowly and surely being drawn to you. Thank you for working on me too and leading me here in this ministry. You are a Great and mighty God. Praise you, my Lord God. I love you so much. And all glory and honor are Yours. Help me and lead me to someone I can help.