Seeing Radiant Faces!!

β™• Today's Promise: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

☊ PR Podcast Isabella

Blessed are you my Beloved! I have seen your powerful hand in the lives of many women in these months, and each one of these testimonies has enchanted me, because I have been a direct witness of them!

A few months ago we started the Restoration Fellowship on Sundays, and I was really excited to see how the Lord was going to use these meetings to touch the hearts of many women during her journey. When we started them, I wasn't sure how they would turn out, or how it would work, but I have seen His powerful hand throughout the process. We do these meetings between real women, traveling companions and with the sole purpose of recognizing the wonderful miracles that our Beloved has done for each one of us. During the week, we read the lesson, meditate, and pray to see what the Lord wants us to share, and suddenly Sunday comes, blessed not only to share what I learned, but to see what my peers have to share.Β At the beginning of the meetings, we received beautiful girlfriends, but they were still in the process of meeting only him, of looking for him for everything, and that they felt sometimes sad and other times discouraged when they saw the mountains in front of them. Sometimes we laugh, other times we cry, but the Lord and his word are the center of our conversations and of our gaze.

Every Sunday I have seen my dear ones with their faces more and more radiant, more full of His beauty, every day more full of him and his love, and I have been able to be part of the miracles that He has done for them. Yesterday we had a wonderful meeting, there were wonderful testimonies, bright and illuminated faces of the love of the One who filled us with his life and his salvation. Yesterday we shared wonderful verses that encouraged us to defeat giants, to know that we are not alone, that our Beloved has opened paths where we least think and that we are happy! We are happy because He rescued us, forgave us and gives us his courage to move forward.Β Now we are no longer alone, we have Him who fills us with strength and courage, and who invites us to believe that there are wonderful miracles and beautiful things to learn for each one of us. Yesterday we were a group of women full of faith, hope, love and the desire to share and shout everything that the Lord has done for us.

These Sundays of Fellowship are a blessing for me, because I already long for them, because I already have wonderful travel companions, where we give support to each other, and where we see how the Lord answers our prayers and gives us his peace.Β Blessed are you my Beloved Lord!Β 

Beloved I invite you to these meetings, they are uplifting, we are real women, with real testimonies and radiant faces. Take the courses, read the daily Encourager, the devotionals, and feed on His word. Your life will never be the same.Β Dare to try with God.

~ Isabella in Costa Rica
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