Strength to Overcome My Fear

β™• Today's Promise: "Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14

☊ PR Podcast Lota

Something my HH (Heavenly Husband)has placed in my heart is to share how I have overcome fear in my life. Very early on in my RJ (Restoration Journey) at a women's retreat I was given a poster card with a verse. It read, "I have not given you a Spirit of fear, but of truth, power and a sound mind" 2Tim.1:7. That scripture I hold very close to my heart and has been one of my treasured truths that has gotten me through many difficult obstacles where fear wanted to take over and paralyze me in my daily living. I have so many examples, but there is one He has placed in my heart and it happened just recently.

My son just purchased his first home in a city about 4 hours away from us. We were so excited to go visit and help him with some renovations. The weekend trip was planned and myΒ earthly husband said we would be taking 2 cars, which meant I had to drive one and he the other. I have never driven alone such a long distance, especially at night which would be the time we would be on the road. At first I hesitated, but then I rejoiced, knowing I am never alone and it would be my special time with my Heavenly Husband.

So the journey started and I was enjoying freedom of listening to the music I enjoyed most. We did a halfway stop for gas and then started again. About 20 minutes into the drive the lights started getting dim and my eyes were on the car my EH (earthly husband) was driving right in front of me. Then for some odd reason I felt like I could not control the steering wheel. I was driving straight but it almost felt like I had to fight with the car so it wouldn't veer to the side. Then my mind started saying that I had to stop and pull over because I could not continue to drive. The darkness around me, only red tail lights to guide me, I felt like I was losing control, but in my heart I knew this was all in my mind, I was driving just fine so why this fear and urge to stop because the car wanted to start swerving?

At that moment I put all feelings aside and I just started talking to my HH about how HE was with me and was defending me. He was the driver of my car and this was MY time with Him and I wanted nothing to spoil it. In a loud voice, I started sharing my heart and talking about everything that came to mind. Soon we were laughing together and then even shedding some tears. Ladies all fear disappeared and before I knew it, I had arrived safely to my destination. It was perfect. My HH used it for GOOD, because our conversation was amazing and He once again gave me the strength to overcome my fear and like I said, make me brave.

~ Lota in Florida
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