RESTORED MARRIAGE TESTIMONY: “We Reconciled on Christmas Day!”

We Reconciled on Christmas Day


Milagros, how did your restoration actually begin? 


May the peace of our Savior always be with us !!! I had been married for eight years but it all started to fall apart 2 years ago when my husband first said he was going leave me. At that moment, I almost died from crying and I begged God not to let him go. Since I’d been very young, I had a good relationship with God so, because I turned to Him, a week later my husband gave up trying to leave me.


A few months passed but then again the nightmare was repeated—I found myself in the same situation, only this time it took about 22 days for him to give up on leaving me again.


A few more months past and though my marriage wasn’t the best, it seemed to be on "firm" soil and during this time I believed and loved God, but I did not put Him as the first One in my life yet. And so, once again, I went through the heartbreaking test of hearing my husband saying he could not give me anymore and wanted to leave.


My dear brides, in all these moments, even though I was far from my HH emotionally, I had His infinite and merciful love for me, which sustained me and helped me not kick my husband out of the house as sooooo many people told me to do. I remained the same wife to him and then, 25 days later, we reconciled, on Christmas Day! 


Unfortunately, I was not yet molded to the will and plan of our Heavenly Beloved and our true Husband. So again, in His love, the Lord lovingly broke me again. I discovered that my earthly husband had lied to me by saying that he had gone to work when he actually went out with people from his work and went to a place he did not want to tell me. The reason for the secrecy is because he’d met an OW.


Even with this uncovered, knowing it was meant by the enemy to destroy me, would you believe that I actually felt like I was glowing? I really was, and it wasn’t due to anything but finding my HH months prior to this. This glow is what later attracted my EH back to me, he said. As it says in Psalm 34:5 I read so many times, “They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed.”


Had I listened to rumors and lies, emailed to me by those I thought were following the principles from RMI, I would have given up on my HH and would have stopped short of finishing the Finding My Abundant course, so I would never have been Living my Abundant Life today!


How did God change your situation Milagros as you sought Him wholeheartedly? 


From the moment I heard about what my EH had hidden from me, I have to admit that my heart had broken, because I could not see a way out of our situation and because I was filled with pain that made me think of giving up everything. Only days later to bury me, I got the awful email regarding things this ministry and Erin.


Yet, I already had my HH, so I went to Him and asked and He told me they were all lies. He asked me what my life would have been had the truth about Him being my HH not been shared with me. So I shook clear of the lies and I chose to simply live in our house, and love my EH and continue taking the Abundant Life courses.


Had I not found the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and realized that I could see that my GOD had written that book just for me. Then I immediately read the book and everything on the site. I read the daily encouragement and the all testimonies to help me “overcome” the wicked one. Had I not lovingly received all that was freely given, I would never have discovered my One true love, my HH who has filled me with more and more faith, strength and hope, and especially love for even those who may not deserve my love. I just knew our God will fight for those who love Him and His Son.


So I continued on my journey, and every day I applied each principle I learned and then He did what He’d promised, He turned my husband’s heart fully back to me.


What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Milagros, did the Lord teach you during this trial? 


The first thing I learned was about how I’d been contentious and challenging to my husband. I learned to listen more and to speak less, to stop wanting to always be right, and I became submissive and to look with compassion without pointing out the defects of my EH, which I’d done our entire marriage.


As I did the lessons, I also had biblegateway open and would search the Word fervently, reading multiple versions of the Word. At the same time, I ceased to speak of my life, what I was going through. Instead, I found women who I could pass along the truths and who I could confess and boast about my weaknesses “so the power of Him and His love would reign in me.”  Like everyone there were many people who were discouraging me, yet because I was pouring out His truth, not discouragement, these lies weren‘t able to enter into my heart and steal what was promised for my life.


What were the most difficult times that God helped you through Milagros?


During all the time in the desert portion of my journey, before my HH became my first love, because we lived in the same house, for awhile I lived without being able to demonstrate my love for my EH. Instead, I had to control my emotions (good or bad) so that our 9-year-old son would not be adversely affected. Even though my EH, his dad, would text saying he was going to have to stay late, I’d get people who would call me to tell me that he was posting pictures on social networks that showed him out with a group, partying, and the pictures showed that he was there with many women. Even though it made me very sad, I chose to remain the course, to continue on my journey keeping my eyes on Him instead.


It was difficult because I knew that at his workplace there were coworkers who were actually trying to influence my EH to end our marriage, and that throughout the workday, he was invited to leave all the time with these “friends.” Then when he’d come home, he wouldn’t pay attention to me or our son. He would just come home and tell me he was happy with what he was doing and that he did not want his old life anymore. Yet, I knew God could do the impossible.


Milagros, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?  


Near the end things got really bad, so I began to speak to my HH who told me to fast. Soon, my heart burned with so much love and fervor for my HH, I sensed something was about to happen. I even felt like I couldn’t endure anything anymore, but I knew this was a sign things were close. So again and again He strengthened me, more and more in the truth and I became even closer to my HH


Then one day I told my HH, that I was willing to accept His will for my life, even if it meant living in such difficulty because I had Him. Immediately I began to rejoice in my situation, I would remain a devoted and faithful wife. I would never ask my EH to leave no matter what.


I began to help more and more women who I heard had bad marriages, and then I saw My Beloved, and God, begin to change my life. He answered me with zeal and affection. I’d asked that He remove the OW months before and one day I found out she’d disappeared from my EH life. She simply disappeared! I also had prayed that his cell phone would disappear too and though it did not disappear, I realized that my husband started to leave it completely alone, never looking at it. I also had asked God to remove the bad company from him and one day he was let go from his job, even though he was an excellent employee. 


All of  these events are what broke him and soon he turned his heart and life back to the Lord. 


Tell us HOW it happened Milagros? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Milagros, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored? 


The changes in his heart were exactly how I had asked in my prayers, earlier. But I also let go of praying, because He wanted me to focus on Him and to simply trust Him to do what He’d promised. Gradually everything changed. My EH was changing and returning to the caring and loving man to me and our son that he had been before. From the beginning of our nightmare, I was faithful to keep being intimate with my husband, so that every time he came to me, I was there for him. He later told me this was a determining factor for him not to look for intimacy with anyone else. (Though at the time I was sure he’d been with the OW but he’d never taken it that far.)


Since my EH has turned back to me, after God blessed him with a new and better job, we have become closer and closer. I chose not to discuss the past when he asked if I needed to know “everything.” When I said, no, let’s just forget what lies behind and press forward, he left the room to put his wedding ring on. When he walked back in, he knelt down in front of the Christmas tree, and held out his hand to show me! I cannot explain the joy I felt. Then he handed me a small package that had a new ring for me to wear, signifying, he said, his new commitment to me and our marriage. (see attached picture)


Today I'm here to thank RMI and Erin for one more testimony of a hopeless marriage restored by the One who loves us and takes pleasure in saving our families. Thank you for allowing God to use you to spread the truth and not to give up when lies are spread about you.


Would you recommend any of our resource in particular that helped you Milagros?  


Ladies, do not give up, do not listen to lies! I recommend reading the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage as it is an instruction manual when our life is falling apart. Then you must take the online courses because these are also essential. Finish them and go onto the Abundant Life Courses. Never abandon the truth or this ministry that teaches the true Word of God, because it is a true instrument for you to find an abundant life!!! 


Would you be interested in helping encourage other women Milagros?  


Yes I would be very interesting in encouraging other women!!


Either way Milagros, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Do not give up, don’t believe lies. Find your HH and let His love help you when everything seems more difficult than you can bear. If you do not give up and you don’t turn away from your HH, I promise the victory will be yours. Look, I am proof of this. The faithfulness and MERCY of the Lord surpass our own understanding and your HH doesn’t want you and your family to be remain broken. God wants to restore you!Believe, even if it seems there is no way out. He can do everything. It’s true that NOTHING is impossible for God.