How Faithful He Is!

β™• Today's Promise: β€œI am convinced that the one who started a good work in you, will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

☊ PR Podcast Frida

At the beginning of the year I didn't know what I would do. Another school year started at school for my daughter, the former husband contacted me saying that he would not be able to keep our daughter at school, made it clear that he was broke and that I could make the decisions going forward that knew I would do the best. Due to the pandemic, the school system decreed a public calamity. The only way to keep my daughter studying would be on the private network.

The enemy always tries to steal our blessings. I was tempted to call my former husband and say that this was his obligation to our daughter, and that I also had no money for school. But I resisted the urge to get in touch and I didn't say a single word to him and I continued to trust my Heavenly Husband.

I said to the Lord, well, I'm not going to worry about that, because I know that You have everything under control. I took a few days alone with Him and reveled in His arms, after a few days I felt light, I felt that all the burden was gone from me. I had a very revealing dream, I found myself at school opening my heart to the principal and she helped me, so with this dream I was seeking God. I asked Him if what was revealed to me was really His, that He would make the decision out of my hands. So I felt guided to go to school to open my heart, when I got there I was very well attended, and it happened exactly as I had dreamed. The principal asked me that if I paid the tuition and bought the handouts for the whole year that the school would commit to tuition and that I would embrace my daughter this year. I had enough money in my account for these expenses.

Wow, dear, how faithful He is!

A few days later I received another email from the former husband informing me that he had a debt with the school from the previous year and that he was negotiating with someone at the school, he asked me to go and talk and solve it because he also could not pay. I went to school to resolve and renew the enrollment, but because of the debt it was not possible to do it. I remembered that in the email the former husband had asked me to look for the specific person he was negotiating with and when that person met me she told me that my daughter's father was a responsible father who had never had any problems with him and who trusted him to pay and who would do the enrollment because he was a man of his word and who really believed that he was in financial collapse and that earthly husband had already told him about his financial situation, my heart was filled with compassion for him because he is reduced to a piece of bread, but word must be fulfilled and must let go.

Days later, after having done the registration, the former husband got in touch again (I never go in always waiting) said that he got a good discount but that he still couldn't pay and asked me to get the money. The most interesting thing about this story is that the Lord already knew everything. Let me explain: days before, a friend came to my house asking me to save some money for her in my account, because she couldn't save money and she would need it at the end of the year and that if I needed it I could use it and return it to her only at the end of the year.

He really didn't know how he was going to solve this situation, but He did. I needed to obey, walk my extra, give my coat and give to anyone who asks me as he says in His word. Then I responded to the former husband immediately with a "kind answer" that he had the money and that the school was going to make the payment. We cannot blame our earthly husbands (or EH) for any loss, or anyone else, as we have the power to maintain and obtain all blessings through our obedience and trust in the Lord!

I still don't know how I'm going to replace my friend's money, but my trust is in God who gave us the power and ability to have everything we have and all the money we earn, I know that all these things are to test my faith so that it is increased beyond what I can imagine and finally experience the absolute power and faithfulness of God.

β€œI am convinced that the one who started a good work in you [and in me], will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

"But, remember the Lord your God, because it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, confirming the covenant he swore to his ancestors, as seen today." Deuteronomy 8:18

~ Frida in Bahia
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