Strengthen Other Women

β™• Today's Promise: "Now go, write these things before them on a table, And engrave them in a book, That they may stand in times to come, Forever and ever." Isaiah 30: 8

From ~ Annabella in Belgium

☊ PR Podcast Annabella

Dear brides, I just wanted to share something amazing. At the end of each lesson, there is a link to be able to write down what we thought, how the class or lesson spoke to us and how we plan to apply what we learned in our life.

I try as much as possible to fill in my Journal because I like to have a trace of my travels but once my journal is full, sent to the ministry, I very rarely reread. One day one of my praise reports was shared with other women in the ministry, by reading it I was strengthened in my faith.

Yes, I was strengthened by what had been written. I loved feeling the peace and trust that this person had in their HH (Heavenly Husband) and that person was ME!

Reading that I was the author of the praise report which had done me a lot of good the day it was shared made me realize two things:

1) Our walk with our Heavenly Husband is real and even if sometimes we tend to believe that we are not evolving, well this is completely wrong. Let’s reread our own Praise reports. We grow daily in His love.

2) Completing the diary form is paramount because we forget. This journey is so intense emotionally, spiritually, and for some of us, even physically. We need to remember what HE did, we need our own benchmarks so that when the enemy whispers wrong things in our ears, we can tell him that our Heavenly Husband has ALREADY done a lot.

Write in your journals, in order to strengthen other women, but above all so that YOU build yourself up and that YOU strengthen YOURSELF through your OWN experiences and your OWN testimonies.

"Now go, write these things before them on a table, And engrave them in a book, That they may stand in times to come, Forever and ever." Isaiah 30: 8

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