Speak Life Into Any Situation

β™• Today's Promise: β€œThe tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21

☊ PR Podcast Yvonne

Dear Brides, one of my favourite verses at the beginning of my restoration was and still is: β€œThe tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21

Please come and read how you can speak life into any situation.

The Lord showed me very early on that I should not speak negative things in my life and I must admit, not doing that has given me much more peace but to be very honest with you although I try not speak negative things into my life, I equally don't speak positive things into my life.

Instead of replacing the bad with the good, I kinda just left a void, which is just as bad. With this lesson β€œSimply Speak” my dear Heavenly Husband has shown me to replace the bad with the good.

This is also something that I would love to start teaching my children. I am not able to explain to you in words how the relationship with my children has changed over the last year. Having them home with me instead of sending them off to school, I can now see how many things I have missed.

I had to go off the point a little to explain the rest to you. Since my kids are home with me and I am able to hear their heart more, they have expressed their desire to have their father home more often.

I told them to pray about it but there would be times that they would ask me why the Lord has not answered their prayer yet. We have spoken about this, but now that I have read the lesson, I believe that the Lord is showing me to share this with them as well like the author kept sharing with her children.

It sounds so simple doesn't it? β€œSimply Speak”, but often when we are in a situation, we would totally lose our peace and forget these lessons that He is teaching us.

I want to quote something from the author, she says: "This is the same power that God gave each of us, but unfortunately, we ignorantly speak against ourselves rather than for ourselves." And I can attest to that.

I want to encourage each one of us to really take this principle to heart and instead of speaking ill into our lives let's speak positive words. We have a Heavenly Husband who said we can ask ANYTHING in His name. He made it very clear that NOTHING is impossible with Him. So why would we speak negative if we have a Husband capable of so much more!

Like I said earlier, this is one of my favourite verses.

β€œThe tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21

The Lord has really spoken very early on to me about my tongue because I was very quick to speak negative things.

~ Yvonne in South Africa
Our Afrikaans’ Ministry Pastor and RMI's Ministry Director
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