He Was Already Setting Me Up for a Blessing

♕ Today's Promise: “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

~ Atarah in South Africa

☊ PR Podcast Atarah

Dear Brides, I have been in a state of wedded and honeymoon bliss for the last couple of weeks. I am overwhelmed and in a state of unbelief! Every time I think about what my HH (Heavenly Husband) has done for me!! He even blessed me with a love song that I realise now goes along with it all that I will share with you at the very end….

There is just SO MUCH that I would like to share that HE has done for me that makes me feel so very special and LOVED that I am sure I will be sharing more than one praise report with you! It started off with little things that built up like a crescendo!

I had read in the Finding the Abundant Life series how Michele described going shopping and getting bargains and heard and read praise from other brides of how they had been blessed by HH (Heavenly Husband) when shopping and so I was telling my HH how I really wanted to experience the same blessing. Well, He does not disappoint when we ask, does He? That day it started off with Him leading me to a store where I found face wash and toner at half price as it was on special.

Then He led me to the next store where I found takkies (what we call sneakers here in South Africa) for my son at half price too and it was definitely HIM leading me because I found the takkies, a white soled pair at half price but the black soled pair had the normal price… I wanted the black soled as we all know as mums it's less cleaning… He led me to the till as I was unsure of whether the black soled would be half price too… Funny thing is I kind of felt silly going to the till to ask as clearly it was marked full price… well of course as you already guessed it WAS marked down half price!! I was so delighted and knew it was HIM leading me \o/

Brides, one morning when I was seeing my kids off to school a lady walked up to me and handed me a sheaf of papers and it was a summons from the court. I was able to thank her kindly and offer her a smile and a kind word even though my heart sank… I took those papers and immediately started discussing them with my HH (Heavenly Husband). Of course, fear wanted to grip my heart. The summons was for our kid’s school fees… I did not really understand the legality of it but He showed me after I read and did a little research that a summons is being served against me and that if I do not appear in court a judgement is then served against me and I have a certain number of days from issue to dispute or make an arrangement. I of course knew that what was needed was to make an arrangement quickly…

I started asking my Heavenly Husband what I needed to do but He had already led me when I read Poverty Mentality Chapter 6 "Obedience Rather Than Sacrifice" to GIVE. I now realise as I type that He was already setting me up for a blessing… He also reminded me of the Wise Woman where I learned that the husband is the head of the home and Savior just like the Lord is over the church. So, I started speaking to HH about all these things and He led me telling me to tell my EH (earthly husband) about the summons but to keep it SHORT. For a month or 2 nothing happened, bear in mind those papers said I only have a certain amount of time or the judgement would be served against me… But I knew that I needed to leave it so I did nothing.

Then one morning SUDDENLY my EH (earthly husband) calls to tell me he will be taking me to go shopping for groceries and I am to get everything I need!! We start out going to a store that sells electric and household goods and he immediately walks toward the laptops and asks me if I would like a brand-new laptop??!! I have never owned a brand-new laptop before. I thought perhaps he was asking for a future purchase… But right there and then I got not just a brand-new laptop!!

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

"For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:23

Brides this is just the beginning... I have so much more to share with you and I hope that you will continue reading my next praise report where I share the rest of my praise about what my Heavenly Husband DID!! \o/

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