I Do not Behave like a Good Wife

I praise the Lord because He allowed me to come across your site by “CHANCE.” I was desperate over my separation with my husband for 6 months. At one point everyone seemed to tell me that my marriage is definitely dead, yet in my heart, I had this conviction that all is not over and I was looking for a testimony of someone, just one person, who has lived a restored marriage. This is how I came across your site.

From now on I never will stop to praise God for it is He who directed me to you! Thanks to your ministry of my hope reborn. Nothing is impossible for God, already I feel a change in me, once I became aware of the importance of this event that He orchestrated just for me. The Lord in His love has allowed this to shape me and restore me.

Rom 8:28 “We know, however, that all things work together for good to them that love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.”

Initially, I was in the “why” did this happen to me! But already in this first week’s lesson, it made it so clear that God is using this situation to change me because I realize that I have a great responsibility for the departure of my husband. I do not behave like a good wife should because I took it in my marriage in wanting everything and not giving. Also, I lived only for my wedding day that I idolized. God chose to remove my husband, taking him away to draw my attention to my behavior. It is only Him who can transform me and put Him in His place in my life. In the center of my life.

~ Pierrette in France

Also from Pierette:

Today I give thanks to the Lord for the miracles he has accomplished in my life. I am at the end of the second week of the first course on the restoration journey of my marriage, in French, and this week I learned that I have to be humble and not quarrelsome, to be sweet and soothed when I talk to my husband and to be silent in trusting everything to the Lord.

The Lord gives me the grace to apply these concepts and suddenly I noticed a big change in the attitude of my husband, he becomes less distant when he comes “just to see the children”, and he has become more comfortable when he’s with us.

And besides this week God touched my heart. I realized all the harm I did to my husband because of my behavior, believe me, I cried and I decided that I will tell other my responsibility on the departure of my husband from home and I did not know how to do but God is great He allowed my father-in-law to come see me (he did not come to my house anymore) just so I could ask him for forgiveness and told him to tell others that I recognize my mistakes for what has happened to us. The same day I also spoke to a sister in the church to whom I had previously told all the evil that my husband did to me; I am truly in the joy of being forgiven by my God. I pray that he will give me the opportunity to ask my husband’s forgiveness when He knows he’s ready.

I already asked him for forgiveness but it was not with conviction it was just to manipulate him so he could come home and get out my claws … but this time it’s different in my heart I just want let him know that I recognize my wrongs and that I understand him to have made this decision to separate from me because I did not make his life easy because of my character and that God in his grace is transformed.

It made it possible to remove my husband so that I become a true Christian because I have always behaved like a Pharisee.

I truly thank God for allowing me to follow this course in French without it I would have never questioned myself. I have always seen that the faults of my husband forgetting mine, I thought myself perfect.

Phil.2:3-7 “Do not do anything by spirit of party or vain glory, but humility makes you look upon others as being above yourself, and let each of you, instead of considering his own interests, also considers those of others.

Have in you the feelings that were in Christ Jesus, which, existing in the form of God, did not look like a prey to tear from being equal with God, but stripped himself, taking a form Servant, becoming like men.” This verse reminds me that I must be humble in the example of Christ, who has stripped himself to the point of accepting a shameful death for me.

~ Pierrette of France