Our HH wants to Surprise You Every Day

Today my PR is about how faithful is our HH and how real all the principles given in this ministry are since they are taken from the Word.

When we do the courses we learn a lot. There is a principle given in the lesson “My Spiritual Leader” that talks about the importance of letting our husbands be our spiritual leader. When my RJ started I let go of my church. When my EH visited I never talked about “religion.”

When my EH came back I made the mistake of going to my former church. One day I came across with my former pastors and they begged me to enter. It was not easy for me to be there again because I never accepted the help that they wanted to give me when my marriage was destroyed. I remember that the day that my EH left me I went to talk with one of the pastors and he told me that maybe it was not God’s will to be married to my husband. When I heard that I couldn’t believe what I was hearing….that was one of the reasons why I stopped going to that church. So, that night that the pastors begged me to enter I accepted their invitation mainly to close a cycle.

My mistake was to think that it was time to come back to the church. They invited me to visit them the next Sunday…so I asked my EH whether I should go or not. I told him that I wanted to start going to church again. He told me that I should go…he even woke me up that Sunday to go to the church. The day that the pastors invited me to enter the church I felt the love of my brothers and sisters which were my family in Christ … I felt really loved that day and they respected me not asking anything about my marriage though they knew that something had happened but they did not know the details. But that Sunday, the enemy attacked me. The enemy used the person in the pulpit to attack me. I knew that all the message was directed to me. I felt so bad and angry. The enemy wanted me to get angry with that brother in Christ. At first, I thought that it was because I was going to church again….then I remember the principles that I had learnt from RMI. I am not supposed to go to church alone..without my EH.

So I said to my HH… I will not go back to that church unless my EH really asks me to do it. (Remember that I said to my EH “I want to come back to church again”?) So, during the week I told my EH that I did not feel comfortable at the church going by myself. That I was spiritually fed in this ministry and that if he really wanted me to attend a church he was the one who would have to tell me to do it. My EH told me that he was going to think about it and that he would give me an answer during the week. He never asked me to go to any church again.

So now, after 4 months of my restoration, my EH ask me to pray with him…and in his prayer, he asked the Lord to give us a place where to congregate! Isn’t that amazing?!!! My HH is so faithful! We just have to wait until He works!

Now I have to pray for that place. My HH will show my EH the right place for us. The more we depend on HIM the more we see His Glory!!!

Dear brides, just wait in the Lord. Our HH wants to surprise you every day of your life and He has amazing things for you.

“But He said, ‘The things that are impossible with people are possible WITH GOD'”β€”Luke 18:27 NIV

“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” Ephesians 5:22:24 NIV

~ Camila in Argentina

β€œI Just had to Let HIM Work”