What a Shock

β™• Today's Promise: "Trust the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path." Proverbs 3: 5-6

~ Krystal in Trinidad

☊ PRAISE Audio

Since my EH (earthly husband) and I have separated I would receive money for groceries every fortnight, but prior to finding this ministry I was really struggling emotionally and mentally because I'm the one that left to stay by my mother, so I was lost on how to get through. Upon studying the courses and the book How God can and will restore your marriage I came across the video of Erin instructing not to ask our husbands for anything or call them which was a breakthrough for me because right before my EH and I got into an argument about him not giving me the money the previous fortnight, (i am currently unemployed and we have 3 girls under 4). So I quickly heeded the instructions and stopped contacting him which I was doing every time there was a need.

This weekend he came for our daughters as usual, which previously I would always contact him to remind him to do but didn't this time. He on his own told me on Friday evening to organize them for Saturday (praise)... at this time he would bring the money when coming to get them but I would always remind him of that too but didn't this time and surrendered it to my HH (Heavenly Husband) and told him that if my EH (earthly husband) gave it to me without asking I would begin tithing to the ministry.

As when he came I was organizing to go out to deliver an item I was selling online, while I was leaving he asked why I was traveling to go and I told him because I couldn't get a driver and asked him if he would like the delivery fee. He then said that he would drop me (noted : all this time he still did not give me the money). When I delivered the item I asked him if he had change to give him the delivery fund and he replied saying he didn't want anything. When he dropped me back to my mother's house I was supposed to get my last daughter's bottle and milk for him to carry which I had forgotten to pack in their bag but when I went inside he had driven off, so I called him to remind him. He didn't answer but I then saw him drive back in front the house. When I reached by his car window to give him the bottle, he told me to take this quickly and don't let anyone see and there in his hand was the money. What a shock, it really did not seem like he was going to give me but I held my tongue and trusted my HH (Heavenly Husband) whether he did or not. He also was asking me while previously on the way to deliver the product, what I was doing for our twins birthday which is the 18th of October and then told me he wanted to get them bikes for Christmas and asked me to help him.

My heavenly husband also healed my last daughter who had to stay in the hospital to receive antibiotics through an IV for a really bad rash that came out on her skin. This was just last week, we were there for two days and now she is doing so much better. All praises to my HH (Heavenly Husband). I am so grateful and thankful. I l love Him.

"Trust the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path." Proverbs 3: 5-6

"The kings heart is in the hand of the lord, he directs it like a watercourse whichever way he chooses." Proverbs 21: 1

Krystal is a tithing partner. Learn more.