I Let Them Go

β™• Today's Promise: "Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4: 6-7

~ Datyah in South Africa

☊ PRAISE Audio

My dear sisters, where do I start? I praise my Beloved HH (Heavenly Husband) for being there for my children. A few weeks ago I let them go and handed them into the arms of my HH, because He will take better care of them than me, and because the enemy used my children as a trigger to make me lose sight of what I learned so far. Even though they are young adults, a parent never stops worrying about them and wants to protect them from any harm or emotional pain. My son is 23 and my daughter 21. All glory to God for working in my daughter’s heart and touching her deeply, and also me!

About three weeks ago I found out about the OW (other woman). My EH (earthly husband) confessed and then asked me to please not to tell the kids, because he wanted to tell them himself. I respected that and did not talk to the kids about it. In the meantime I could go to my Beloved HH (Heavenly Husband) for love and protection and He lovingly helped me through the process of forgiveness and gave me peace that surpasses all understanding. I have to admit it isn’t always easy and I had many breakdowns, but my Darling Husband was there every time to pick me up.

My EH and I, together with our daughter still live in the same house. So our daughter is aware of her Dad’s coming and goings. Last night her dad went to visit the OW (other woman), I told her a lie about where he went. Later on my daughter said she is not β€œstupid” she knows that something is going on between her dad and the OW and that he went to visit her. (The OW was a friend of our family, so my daughter also noticed something happening between her dad and the OW). I then came out and said she is right, and that her dad confessed that they are in a relationship. I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. I shared with her about forgiveness and how the Lord brings healing in our hearts when we forgive. She was not ready to forgive.

Just before her dad came home, she went to her room and cried out to the Lord. She was angry and hurt. But PTL (praise the Lord)!! There in her darkest place He took her in His arms and gave her peace. He gave her Philippians 4:7. β€œAnd the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ.” A peace came over her which did indeed surpassed all understanding, came over hear heart. All the anger and pain left her and she found it in her heart to forgive her dad. When my EH came home, she had a conversation with him. I stayed in my room to give them space. My EH was crying bitterly and told her that he knows that he is hurting the three most important people in his life (myself and his two kids) but he does not know how to get out of it. PTL! My daughter just kept quiet and listened (I spoke to her about a quiet and gentle spirit on a previous occasion) When my EH was finished talking, all my daughter said to him was β€œDad I still love you, I don’t hate you” PTL!! PTL!! My daughter said, she could see the confusion in his eyes.

Our HH (Heavenly Husband) is wonderful. He took control of this whole situation and loved my daughter through this very hurtful situation. We need to let go of everything! Not just our EH (earthly husband). Give our HH complete control of our whole life! He will take care of it all. Thank you my Darling!!

"Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4: 6-7

We can only find that peace from the Lord.

Datyah is a tithing partner. Learn more.