Everything Else Fails Sooner or Later

β™• Today's Promise: "Therefore thus says the Lord: If you turn back, then I will turn you back to stand before me. And if you separate the precious from the wicked, you will be my mouth. Let them turn to you, but don't turn to them. ”Jeremiah 15:19

~ Tiara in Poland

☊ PRAISE from Tiara

Dear Bride, I encourage you to read this chapter ["Je t'aime Maman"] and talk to your Heavenly Husband about what He wants to tell you through Him and how you can put it into practice.

Our Heavenly Husband is what is most precious compared to everything else. Often it begins to move visibly in our situation at the last minute, but from the testimony in the chapter, I can see that it does not mean that it has not already started to act and set certain circumstances or people appropriately, but we may just not notice what is happening until it will open our eyes and give us understanding. Our faith and trust is tested by this, and as we know it is very important for Him to trust Him with all our heart and not to trust anyone or anything else. Everything else fails sooner or later, He will never let us down.

I am back in the waiting room in a large area in my life and there are also other mountains in front of me that I am waiting for to be pushed into the sea. I started telling myself that waiting was good. Such a short truth that quickly reminds me of the promise of Romans 8:28 and Isaiah 40:31 and all I know about waiting. I do not know if I have ever been so sincerely glad that one door is closed, even the one I wanted to go through, believing and trusting completely that apparently my Heavenly Husband is preparing something even better for me. I am excited and await His action as I see some puzzles in my life begin to fall into place. There was also a urge in my body to do something, to make something happen and the matter to move forward, but I remember that only then I am tired and I have to rely on Him, trust and not want to force my way through the door that is not for me at that time. It's also tempting to lower your expectations, but I believe my HH (Heavenly Husband) wants to fulfill my heart's desires, and knowing Him, I believe that it will exceed my expectations, as is usually the case.

It is true that letting go is crucial in our Journey. It is often difficult for us to let go of things, people, desires that mean so much to us. Some areas were easier for me to let go, others I struggle with from time to time, but I have already learned that even in this He can help me and an important principle He showed me. Letting go becomes impossible as we focus on the person, the desire to let go and try to do it ourselves, but it becomes natural as we begin to focus entirely on Him, how He becomes our all, how we get to know Him better and are close to Him, a community that nothing compares. With time, everything turns around, and it becomes so precious to us that we may fear that our desires and promises will come true and disrupt what we have now. It's amazing how we change during our Journey.

Remember to spend time with my HH (Heavenly Husband) not only talking about my needs and difficulties, but simply talking and enjoying His presence. Place all the promises from the Lord on the altar, then I will not experience pain, e.g. related to my relationship with an earthly husband. Surrender is free from pain, worry, confusion and loneliness. It is a place of rest, of release to enjoy a closer relationship with the Heavenly Husband. Who or what is in the first place in our heart can be seen from what we mainly think, talk, dream or write about, so I want to pay attention to it in my life and it is also a determinant that helps us understand what or who is most important in the lives of others.

I am sad and surprised how many Christians rarely talk about the Lord and what He does in their lives, because they are so absorbed in mundane matters. I can see how it has changed for me, I can't help but talk about Him because He is such an important part of my life and I love to talk about what wonderful things He does and how He works in my life. I have experienced other Christians looking at me and treating me differently since I stopped going to my local church, asking each time if I hadn't been there for over a year, as if I had deviated from my faith or was doing something wrong. For some, it doesn't matter how good the fruit my personal relationship with the Lord brings, and they probably believe that outside the church you cannot grow spiritually. One thing I noticed is that often the same people almost never remember the Lord when they say what's going on with them, and some things and words show that this close relationship is missing. I want my life to be encouraging for others, to live closely with the Lord and take Him into their daily lives, so that He would be everything to them.

"Therefore thus says the Lord: If you turn back, then I will turn you back to stand before me. And if you separate the precious from the wicked, you will be my mouth. Let them turn to you, but don't turn to them. ”Jeremiah 15:19

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