Pushed Me to Do It

โ™• Today's Promise: "Taste and see how good the Lord is: Blessed is the man who trusts in him" Psalm 34: 8

~ Tiara in Poland

โ˜Š PRAISE from Tiara

I wish to give praise to my Beloved Heavenly Husband (HH) for the place I moved to a few days ago. Each subsequent season with Him seems to be getting sweeter.

When I moved to the country to see my grandmother, I had a feeling that my stay there might last several months to a year. Some time ago I began to feel that it was rather time to act and move on. Various circumstances pushed me to do it, such as problems with the Internet, which I need for my work.

Although it was a great difficulty for weeks, it motivated me to look for solutions and the only thing that remained for me was to change my place of residence. So the problem with the Internet was solved on the move, bless the Lord! I knew that something good would come out of it, as always, and apart from exercising my patience, it motivated me to act.

In these last weeks, my HH led me to general cleanup, which I do every now and then and I had a feeling that it was, among other things, to help me pack better when moving. And so it was, some of the things that I did not use, I gave to others and I threw the damaged away, so I did not have to transport unnecessary things to a new place.

By the way, I encouraged my friend with the cleaning system that can be found in the book "Workers@home" about segregating things when cleaning and focusing on one place, a room. I cleaned one place, drawer or shelf every day and it took me a very short time and was not overwhelming and as a result, after some time all my things were tidy and I was left with what I really need and use.

As she shared what she is struggling with, I also encouraged her to seek the Lord's guidance and wisdom in domestic matters, even the smallest because He is really dependent on us and is faithful to answer with the best solutions. I was confirmed in this truth myself and through the encouraging testimonies of our group on workers@home Telegram .

My friend was very encouraged and interested in reading the book, joining the group and she wanted to start cleaning her wardrobe with this system right away, something she confessed was hard for her to get down to earlier! It was amazing for me how I could encourage her by simply sharing my life with HH (Heavenly Husband) and what I had learned myself. This is the natural way we can sow the truth and encourage others to have a closer relationship with Him.

I was looking for the guidance of the Lord where to move. I considered many options and I was open to everything, another country, city, different housing options, as long as it was according to His will.

At that time, I was working on the book "Moving Mountains" with my partner and Chapter 5, "Baby Steps" encouraged me to take small steps towards different options so that I could find out where the doors are closed to me and which to go through. It helped me a lot and as I followed His guidance, I was taking small steps that helped me see that some options were not for me or not for the time being.

It reminded me that often our waiting does not have to be idle as we sometimes imagine it, the most important thing is to cooperate with our Heavenly Husband and not to act on my own understanding, which I must admit I did during my Journey.

The final option that was left was to rent an apartment in my hometown still in Poland. In the next report of praise, I will describe how my HH helped me find a flat and the other blessings that led to me now living in this beautiful place alone with my Beloved, wonderful, best Husband. ๐Ÿฅฐ

"Taste and see how good the Lord is: Blessed is the man who trusts in him" Psalm 34: 8

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, as you do." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight โ€ Proverbs 3: 5-6

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Workers@Homeโ€”Making the Most of Your Time!
ย โ€œShe looksย wellย to the ways of herย household,
and does not eat the bread of idlenessโ€ (Proverbs 31:27)

โ˜Šย Workers@Home New Fellowship Group