RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “The Other Woman Attacked Me”

♕Today's Promise: “In the end she (the harlot) is bitter as wormwood, SHARP as a two-edged sword.” Proverbs 5:4


Milada, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

It all started when my marriage was destroyed, I began to fall to pieces. I stopped eating, I stopped living, I spent several weeks like that and I looked on youtube for testimonies of restored marriages and I began to see a channel where was suggested to me, but it was not until a sister from my Church invited me to a Facebook page and from there I looked for the page, I began to read the Book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage. At first I was angry because I blamed myself a lot. My Beloved showed me as a wife, I was contentious and all the mistakes that I made and the principles that I violated. Little by little He began to hug me and attracted me with His strings of Love, letting me know how much He loves me. That is how He healed me, piece by piece, lifting me up and I could see what I am worth, what I am in God.

How did God change your situation, Milada, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?

At first I felt that nothing changed, but in reality my heart was changing my thoughts. My faith was growing.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Milada?

Through this ministry and the book, how God can and will restore your marriage and in each course, my Beloved Heavenly Husband taught me to forgive, to let go of every feeling, every situation that took me away from His love. I was able to forgive Aaron, my husband, as well as, all the people that I felt hurt me, and I can have Him now as my EVERYTHING.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Milada?

There were many sleepless nights where only God calmed me through praises of adoration, but one of the strongest was when I found out about the pregnancy of the other woman. That day I fell on my knees crying, but my Beloved comforted me and made me understand that if we love God all things help us for good and that His will is pleasant and perfect. I could be calm, knowing that nothing would stop the power of God and I believed that the pregnancy would end in abortion, but now she is 5 months pregnant, but as I say this does not stop the power of God.

Milada, what was the "turning point” of your restoration?

Actually, my God and beloved Heavenly Husband began to change Aaron's heart months ago. It all happened in about 3 or 4 weeks, when I was able to release my daughters and Aaron took them to live with him and the other woman #the other victim. God used it for our good since Aaron could see a more bitter woman like wormwood.

Tell us HOW it happened, Milada? Did Aaron just walk in the front door? Milada, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

Well, not exactly like that because me and my daughters lived in my parents' house, and he lived with the other woman. In reality when he returned to his parents' house, he left the other woman, he left everything and from there, he began to be more affectionate with me. He told me how sorry he was, how much he misses me and how much he loves me.

We still don't live together, yes, but I know that God has already done the miracle and will continue to add.

Yes and no. Yes because as God was changing the heart of Aaron, the other women attacked me. I received insulting messages and things like that and my prayer partner told me, “Don't let your guard down” she told me "when the enemy has little time left, things seem to get worse" and that's how it happened when I let go. When I thought everything was over and there was no hope left. God showed me the miracle and I say He showed me because He had already done the miracle, I just couldn’t see it.

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Milada?

The book How God can and will restore your marriage mainly and all the courses available online.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Milada?


Either way, Milada, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Dear Brides, leave everything in the hands of God. I assure you that He is attentive to all our prayers and they are answered in His appointed time. I tell you from experience, God answers prayers. Receive the Lord as your Heavenly Husband, rejoice in His love, protection and mercy. Do not lose heart, continue in prayer, fighting for your family. And be still, let it be God who defends you. I love you in the Lord.