Set Apart for Him

β™• Today's Promise: "Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17

~ Yvonne in South Africa

☊ PRAISE from Yvonne

My Heavenly Husband gave me and our children, the best holiday ever and it all happened because they were set apart.

The Lord blessed me and my children with a week away. A few years, we went away to the same place and that was a blessing all on it's own and we expected much the same knowing that we are going to the same place, but of course He knew better.

First the month I wanted to book, things just did not fall into place, but then I booked for the week of my daughter's birthday and it was all so light and easy. She was elated that we will be away for her birthday.

Her birthday usually falls in school term, but because they are home-schooling, I did not have to worry about that at all and could just follow His lead, because He made homeschooling happen so easily and miraculously, that I am still wondering if I am dreaming it all.

Going there, we got the chalet at the bottom that was rather farther away from everything and at first the kids were a little disappointed, because last time they were right next to the swimming pool. We were only there for an hour or so when we saw zebras walking so close by not running away from us, but just watching us carefully while we are watching them. We even saw a little baby zebra suckling on her mother. That was such a beautiful experience and then we realized that He had in this chalet because it was close to the waterhole and the one road that leads to the waterhole, passed right next to our chalet and the other road we could see from our porch. Does not matter from which side the animals came, we always had a clear view of them.

Because this was not a school holiday, we were there alone for the first 3 days. This means everything was so quiet that the animals felt comfortable just being there where they would have been skittish if there were too many voices around.

On my daughter's birthday she asked to go this zoo that I think may be like a rescue for the wild animals in area because it does not really look like a zoo that you would know. There was only one fence that separated us from the Lions and the Tigers and we could almost touch them with how close we were. What an amazing experience. Again, it was not a school holiday so we had the whole zoo to ourselves for the whole day! We had such a fun time, but of course, their Father was not done.

When we returned to our chalet that day, He had something very special planned for Mia. Me and Owen were inside the chalet and she was sitting on the porch by her own and we heard her whisper: "come look" and there right next to her was a huge Nyala (a type of antelope) looking at her in expectation. She told me to bring him some vegetables and fruit and at first, she just placed it on the ground for him but then she tried giving it to him from her hand and he took it! They were both so enthralled with this animal that just walked up to her which would have never happened had she not been sitting quietly alone. Isn't He just so amazing!

Of course, that is not all, later he brought his whole family to meet her and she was able to feed even the little ones. I spoke to the owners before we left and they told me that because of this time of the year, the type of food the Nyala's eat is very difficult to find for them here and they usually buy them feed for the winter but the food is yet to arrive and that is why they took food from us. Any other time they would have had enough to eat and come to us at all.

So had I gone when I first wanted, we would not have had this wonderful experience. Had we stayed where wanted, the animals would have not been so bold to walk up to us.

I am amazed thinking back on our experience about how He had worked it all out perfectly, setting us apart for His glory and what a wonderful enjoyment to be set apart for Him.

"Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17

"But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests,[a] a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9

Our Afrikaans’ Ministry Pastor and RMI's Ministry Director
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