FLM Portuguese Team β€œA New Creature” “Walking by His Side”

Glory to God, for He is good all the time. He said He would not forsake me and that HE would be with me every day until the end of the age.

My gratitude to what God is doing in my life is without measure, by His mercy and by instructions from the book “How God Can and Will Restore His Marriage” (which is the pure Word of God) I have been restored. God has made me the woman He made me to be. I am grateful to you, Erin, for your ministry, because it was God’s provision that I found your site (I do not remember how), because reading your book I saw a mirror that reflected something detestable, and what I saw was me, myself πŸ™

I am at the beginning of my journey, making the 1st Course, and I have already contemplated the deeds of my Lord.

This is the second time I read the book, because the first I thought I had absorbed everything, but in fact, I kept acting like a fool, making everything worse. But, by the grace of God and His mercy, I repented, and since then I threw myself into the book, dived into the Word and snuggled into Him and made the Lord my Husband and He has been careful and loving to me.

My journey has not yet come to an end, thank, God! I know that I am not yet ready to enjoy the miracle that will last forever (Ecclesiastes 3:14). My husband never left home, but we lived like two strangers in the same house, and that was too painful. What has helped me the most is being quiet, something very difficult to me, because I have always been very angry, argumentative, facing the authority of my husband, and also not talking about him and our situation. Now, I’ve learned to take every thought to my HH, He’s been my closest friend.

I was a complete fool, I’m not ashamed to say that, for this was me without my HH! Glory to God that He doesn’t give up on me:) In Him, I have become a gentle and kind woman, who blesses and not curses. Glory to God!!! I was raised in a Christian home and church, but only now I have really died to things of the world to live for God! I do not tire of giving Him the glory, because the woman I was, is dead. I am becoming a new creature in Him.

Even though my husband and I are not as before (yet), he is noticing all the changes, and God has created situations in which my husband comes to me to talk about some difficult situation (finances, work, etc.), and I have been instructed by God to speak sweetly and wisely to him, praising him and not casting him to the ground ((as I used to do)). This week God led my husband buy my favorite chocolate bar (silly, right?), but I knew that it was a gift from my HH, my husband said it was for our son (I’m pregnant).

God has broken down the barrier of hate between me and my husband. I have learned to love it without reserves, without expecting something in return. I have learned my role as wife, helper, encourager and slowly, God channels his heart toward me, without his noticing. The other day when he was leaving, he kissed my feet. I felt caressed by my HH !!! God takes care of everything! He does not change, He keeps being Faithful, Merciful and sooooo Loving.

This is just a Praise Report, I felt I should send, for I must be grateful for what God is doing in my life! Soon I will post my testimony, my promise fulfilled !!! And I will declare to all that they may hear:

But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.Β Psalm 37: 4

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6.33

God has shown me that being at His feet is the highest place I should be. That He is the priority of my life and for making Him my priority He always gives me the best!

~ A beginner at Brazil

Dear Partners, thank you so much for all your love and support through you we can reach a lot of women and keep them all encouraged with all the access we can offer them in a daily basis. Seeing more testimonies like this all due to Him using you!!

“Walking by His Side”

I would like to share with you something that I believe many of us go through … it’s that feeling of spinning around the same mountain or skating without moving forward. Actually, we receive a lot of emails from women that are losing their faith, the will to continue, doubting whether their marriage will be restored or not, doubting whether the principles we have learned really work, etc.

In fact, I believe that at some point in our journey, these thoughts come to us! They come in the form of a fight, a fierce fight that we can never win on our own! Only by talking to Him, seeking God more and more will we have our questions answered, doubts calmed and that peace that exceeds all understanding will fill us again!

You know? Recently I’ve been thinking about this, grateful to my Beloved because these thoughts are not in my mind very often. I no longer have the feeling of being stuck in my journey, as if nothing was happening, or even, some things seemed to be getting worse. But dear ones, I’m so grateful because He told me – He tells us !!! – that He will bring us from glory to glory, and He has done it in me, hallelujah !! For that liar feeling of defeat no longer terrifies me and does not take away my focus: to move forward decisively!

Yes, my friends, how wonderful it is to see that the same situations that used to do us so badly now, no more. They no longer have that harmful effect of taking our peace, making us suffer, weep and doubt the promise of peace and victory that He has given us!

My dear friend, yes! He gave us a promise, He shared with us His dream and He made us dream about Him, dream about the impossible! Dream and not give up! Dream and be filled with courage, for He is telling us: “I will take you from glory to glory!”

You know, dear, He never failed, why would He fail with you and me? Erin tells us to stop everything and go to Him and ask Him about His will to restore our marriage – I remember that when I read it for the first time, I found it so hard, but I’ve read it several times and for me it’s always encouraging, because it’s true, my dear! You should not and cannot look to us, to our Ministry, to Erin or any of the Ministers, you can only look to Him, the Beloved of our souls! He who drew you and led you and filled your heart with hope! Darling do you think He will disappoint you?

O my friend, the other day, I was talking to Him about the Place of Delights to which He is leading me, I am not going ahead of Him, for I would lose myself, I do not know how to walk alone, nor do I go after Him, I feel left behind πŸ™‚ But I know that He has called me to walk by His side, listening to the beating of His heart that is gentle – darlings, we walk arm in arm! How wonderful!

So I know I’m already living this Place of Delights! I already feel loved and when doubt, fear, and a bulk of negative circumstances try to discourage me and weaken me and make me want to give up or run away, that’s when I really run into His arms! I run, crying, lying on His chest and let His sweet voice calm me!

Oh, my friend, I know you may be thinking now or saying, “It’s so easy to say!” I’ve said that too! What I have to say to you today as an encouragement is that everything passes, but He does not change! And He has been faithful in leading me in His time, always from glory to glory!

Dear, do not doubt His promise to you – He is much more than capable of doing more than we dream or asking Him! Even to restore your marriage πŸ™‚ The Place of Delights that He is preparing for you and your family! Run into His arms, hear His voice! Surrender to Him!

Be encouraged!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us – Ephesians 3:20

~ Paula

Here’s What’s New!

The great breakthrough I reached this month, was to become the Portuguese Minister. I was wondering if it could be a God’s idea to have me! Me, as the minister sounded a little bit dangerous… I was only asking Him to help and to not let me became once again a Pharisee, thank You, God, I’m “surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses” so I could let go all the threatening thoughts and embrace this wonderful gift and feel all the poured blessings. Thank you, once again, for your support!

We finished the messages of “How to Be Blessed this Year” and it was wonderful to receive so many PRs telling us about how the messages touched their lives, also emails telling us about how they began to act after the message: One woman told us that she was living with the father of her sons (but not married) and after the messages she realized she was in sin.

Also, He led me to ask the MITs to read again one of the lessons and we could share, we could have precious moments of encouragement between us πŸ™‚ This was such a blessing.

Love, thank You for all of Your love and patience with me, thank You for showing me every day that it’s You, it has been always You here by my side, leading me and keep me going πŸ™‚ I Love You!

Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God to minister? Trust me He can use you by just letting Him know you are willing. 2 Timothy 2:20-22. Β I would love to tell all the women that if you make yourself available, He is right there to lead you and help you in every and single task, even those that you say: It’s impossible, remember He leads you! So just go with Him!

~ Paula

RMT “Daddy!!!!”

Ajuda Matrimonial