By the 2nd We were All Restored!!!

It seems more than ever we live in an Era that everything is “here and now.” Having to wait for anything is seen as ridiculous. As I readΒ Moving Mountains Chapter 5 “Baby Steps” and all I can picture is holding my Love’s hand as we walk down the path. Resting in Him and totally trusting Him as He guides me. But, I am far from perfect and sometimes want to run thinking I have to do “something” and it is in these times I appreciate the teachings here to remember to stop and Michele so beautifully said, “take slow and careful steps as we ask, believe and then move.”

I went through a very difficult trial years ago when my daughter decided to no longer have a relationship with my EH and I. I was devastated especially when we had our first grandchild only 5 months old. I could not understand how this happened. After many tears, my Love gently would tell me to trust in Him. My mountain wasn’t so much my restoration to her, but my EH and her. Both their hearts were hard as stone. But, as we know there is nothing impossible for Him. We missed our granddaughter’s 1st birthday, but by the 2nd we were all restored!!! I had to wait patiently for HIS timing. He makes all things new and in waiting, HE reveals His mightiness and renews our strength. AMEN!!

Just like Michele says in this book, nothing we do is insignificant, even those minor things that come against us that want to take away our calmness or peace. It can be a bit challenging at times and my flesh wants to defend myself, but in the midst of it I hear that small voice saying, “STAY CALM” and then I am reminded it’s not about others, but about us learning to wait, be calm, to receive the blessing and see the mountain move!!

~ Lota in Puerto Rico

Restored after going THROUGH the Fire!

RMI’s Spanish EspaΓ±ol Minister