RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “He Completely Changed My Life”

♕Today's Promise: "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19


Nakita, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

It all started when I found out that there was another woman in my husband’s life, from then on I knew I had to fight for my marriage, although I made the mistake of throwing my husband, Kenan, out, since he didn't want to leave home. Even so, I allowed it and I ran away from him since there was pain in my heart. Days after he left I had a dream where the enemy threw me on the floor and kept me there, I was fighting to get him off me, and asking God for help and with Him, I was able to get him off me. That's when I understood that the enemy wants to see me defeated. I remembered that I had been in a facebook group for a long time and started looking for the books and that was when I found RMI, from there, this beautiful path began, which without knowing it would completely change my life.

How did God change your situation, Nakita, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?

While I was looking for God, in the book how God can and will restore your marriage, I was strongly confronted and although I wanted to stop reading, my Heavenly Husband didn't even allow it. I knew I had failed and I had to change my ways. I had done everything that was wrong since I had gotten married and I never knew how to be that wise woman or be the helper that Kenan needed. As the days passed and I cultivated that intimacy with Him, the Lord began to change me. My way of speaking and of seeing things. He was making changes in me and although the process was not easy, since many times the enemy filled me with ideas that there was nothing to do and that everything was lost, my Beloved in His mercy gave small signs that He was always in control of all situations.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Nakita?

Apply all the principles of the book, God can and will restore your marriage, although the most difficult for me was to let go of my husband, with the help of my Beloved I was able to achieve it. As the principle became a reality in my life, I could see how Kenan's heart turned back to me, since there was no communication between us and he said he hated me. Applying the principles made me change, being a new and renewed woman, my way of thinking was not the same.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Nakita?

The most difficult moments were when I found out that Kenan had gone to live with other woman, even in the middle of that news I asked my Lover to give me peace and quiet and that's what He did. Another difficult moment was when Kenan called to talk with our children and the other woman would come to the phone and say affection words to Kenan so I can hear. My Heavenly Husband always kept me safe and gave me that peace that only He provides. He had given me promises and every time that the enemy tried to discourage me those promises kept me strong.

Nakita, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?

The crucial moment began when I completely let go of my Kenan, my whole life revolved around my Heavenly Husband. He became everything in my life, I started to encourage other women and little by little I could see how Kenan’s heart turned back to me. In the beginning he didn't talk to me and said he didn't want to know about me. Without me realizing, he started looking for me and called every so often to find out how I was, to hear my voice.

Tell us HOW it happened, Nakita? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Nakita, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

When I began to let go of my husband, my Beloved changed the situation. Kenan hugged me said that he loved me. That same day and without me expecting it, my Heavenly Husband made it happen and Kenan came to me asking me for forgiveness, saying that he loved me, that he was sorry for what he had done and that he wanted to return home, that he missed everything about me, that he did not know what was happening but that he felt a lot of love for me and that he could not stop thinking of me.

Although at that time he did not return home, he continued in constant communication and always told me that he wanted to return home. I just told him that everything would be at the right time, that night I received a call from him, that he had had an argument with the other woman and that he didn't know what to do. I simply told him that he had to be calm and that everything would be at the right time.

The next day he calls me at noon and asks me if I was willing to let him come back home, if everything was going to be different, that he just wanted to know in case he decided to come back. We talked for a long time and some of the things he said was that he had things to fix and that he wasn't sure of coming back. My heart wasn't sad or anything, since I knew that everything would happen at the perfect time for my Beloved.

My prayer partner that day told me that the Lord had prepared something for me and that I should get ready and make myself pretty. Without me waiting for him, he arrived in the afternoon with all his things saying that he had come back, that he was home again, it was surprising to see him there, since I did not expect his arrival.

From the words that my husband said that he wanted to return, I felt that he was close, but then he would go away again, so I understood that everything would be in the perfect time of my Beloved.

My relationship with my Heavenly Husband grows stronger every day and I could have that peace and tranquility that only He can give. I never thought that my restoration would take such a short time, but my Beloved allowed it

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Nakita?

I recommend all the courses, the books, how God can and will restore your marriagethe Wise Woman, without a doubt applying the principles that come in them, they helped me a lot to be able to cultivate my relationship with my Heavenly Husband and to be able to understand that this whole journey was for the purpose of getting to know him in a different way

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Nakita?


Either way, Nakita, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Always putting our Beloved Heavenly Husband first has many rewards, not only is it the restoration of our marriages but being able to know Him so deeply, cultivate that relationship and intimacy with Him, so all the things we do will always be for the best.