FLM: RMI Africa “I sent her on her way RESTORED”

Atarah: I really just want to THANK YOU for your financial support. Your support means that Yvonne and myself are able to help the women who are: 1) Doing Lessons 2) Send/Respond to emails 3) Minister/encourage the women our HH brings into our personal lives who we meet in our day to day lives.

Yvonne and I previously worked in "regular" jobs and I know that we would not be able to encourage/support the ladies that we do here in Africa if we were still employed in these jobs.

Yvonne: I agree with Atarah and to be able to follow the restoration journey of the women who come here hurting and see how they find their Heavenly Husband like I once did is such a blessing. I once asked the Lord if I can help just one woman find Him, I would feel content and again— He has reached above and beyond as just He can do:):):)

Here are a few Praise Reports within my Ministry

Here is the latest message from Fariha in South Africa and just reading this warms my heart. Partners, due to you giving this email was possible:

Hi Atarah and Yvonne,

The Lord is doing something so mighty and beautiful in my life right now I am crying tears of joy. I have been trying to clear up space on my phone to download the Kindle app. I  have been in prayer and fasting and I know the Holy Spirit kept impressing on my mind about the book "From Prison to Praise" and last night I decided to google to see if I could find even a tiny bit to read.

My HH gave me a PDF with 20 pages and right now as I am reading the chapter Praise Him am just soaked in tears. Something mighty and powerful has just happened to me and my HH is just showing me how He needed me to get to this point. I will keep clearing my phone and when I get the Kindle app will communicate again.

In my excitement, I have even forgotten to greet you guys. I do hope you are well and thank you so much for everything you do for me. I know my HH keeps sending you to me.

As I lay on my bed going through this book I actually came to a point where I stopped and said "Thank you, dear Lord, that my husband is divorcing me. I really don't understand it all, I know is that You must have a reason and I have been crying ever since.

My dear Lord changed my plans for today and am so so thankful and grateful. I just wanted to share what my beloved has unlocked in me.

May the Lord continue to bless you and your families guys and this ministry.I must confess my life will never be the same after learning the power of praise.

Lots of love,

~ Fariha in South Africa

Here's What's New!

With the guidance of the Lord, we would love to get a monthly newsletter to women in South Africa who have joined the ministry. We would love for you to join with us in asking the Lord to give us wisdom in how to proceed on this.

And so each of you knows how much your support means to my ministry, here are just a few of the many women you've helped and just a little of what each of their situations was when each first found us and HIM.

Atarah: A lady moved in upstairs in the flat above where I stay. The reason she moved in she told me was because her husband had left to stay in another town as he had become involved in some unsavoury activities and had left. Their lease had expired so she was left to move on her own. I immediately was able to share my testimony with her and she told me that her mother was a Christian and would love that she had met me.

I later discovered that her family attended the church my EH and I attended. We helped her move in some of her furniture and during this time I sent her Chap 1 of the RYM book which she read and told her to complete the Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire on the HopeAtLast.com site and gave her the Encouragingwomen.org site. Unfortunately, she did not complete the MEQ but I continued to encourage her regarding God wanting to restore her marriage over a number of weeks and about practicing forgiveness, trusting the Lord, and being obedient to His Word despite everything she heard about her EH. I also daily copied and pasted the Praise Reports and Devotionals from Encouragingwomen.org onto Whatsapp for her to read.

Well, guess what??? A couple of weeks later she knocks at my door and you know what? Her EH was outside :)) They were there to move her furniture to a place they got together!! Her EH was there to help her :)) I sent her on her way RESTORED and with a paperback copy of A Wise Woman book that Yvonne had mailed me and I am sooo glad to tell you, ladies, that she is reading the WW book :)) She told me the other day that she is struggling, but reading the book, and I was able to encourage her. Partners THANK YOU. Your financial support means that not only am I able to work online doing my daily tasks for this ministry but that I have the time in my personal life to minister and support the ladies He brings into my life. I have seen this happening often. Our Beloved never ceases to amaze me.

Atarah: My Heavenly Love I feel so much as I write this knowing that You are the One that helps me to help the women You bring into my life here in Africa, to encourage and minister to. Nothing I do or happens, I know, is just by chance, but I know that it is YOU who orchestrates every event, every woman that comes to this ministry or into my personal life.

Thank You I am honoured my Love to be able to do what I do on a daily basis. I am honoured and amazed at You!

Yvonne: Oh my Lord, thank you for Atarah and everyone at this ministry and every Partner. Lord, thank you for every woman you send here to find their Heavenly Husband. As Atarah, says: You orchestrate everything. You are the Conductor of our lives and it so freeing to know that nothing happens without You.

Lord, I want to bring the South African ministry to You. It is for Your glory that we are here and my Love although there may be only a few women now, I know that You are planning great things and I await it in eager anticipation. I love You so much.

Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God to minister? Trust me He can use you by just letting Him know you are willing. 2 Timothy 2:20-22. Dear Bride, I want to assure you that you never, ever, ever, need to feel unworthy or incapable if you feel called to minister. Why do I say this? It is because He will lead you and guide you. If you ask Him, He will. All you have to do is make yourself available and allow the Lord to do the rest by always asking Him what does He want you to say to the lady you are ministering to. He is faithful!

~  Yvonne  and Atarah

FLM Afrikaans