RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “I Wanted to Leave Everything Behind”

♕Today's Promise: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” D318


Aileen, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

Earlier this year my husband, Warren, told me about the other woman. That day we both cried, he asked for forgiveness but after 2 days he left the apartment. A month previous to this I have been seeking God because Warren was having chest pain and his blood pressure will rise. He was getting sick very frequently and I was so focused on that, that I missed the signs of infidelity. 

I started fasting for 21 days, about the 18th day after praying in the morning asking God to show me what was wrong with Warren, I saw a bill where I noticed he had been speaking with someone more than with me. I investigated and yes I found all the information and I confronted him, something I regret now. We are both Christians. We met at church and we used to work with youth and worship team and then we decided to take a year off and then that year turned into 3 years.

I wanted to travel and see the world. What a mistake! The last 2 years I became very contentious, I did not let Warren be the head of our home. I became so selfish, our prayers became less and less and shorter, we did not go to church. We became distant since I was living alone the previous year because a very close friend moved to USA with her family and I wanted to help, but it made my relationship worse because we were even further apart now. 

After I found out about the other women, she works with him, I did not talk to him for a week. After that I found RMI and it touched me. God touched me with the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, so I started following the principles. Warren started showing interest in me again, so I decided to give it a try and we started going out. We did it for 2 months like dates where we cried a lot and he was very resentful with me for a lot of things I did and say. 

The first month I was alone, God showed me who I was and who I had become. I hated myself and I couldn't see Warren’s sins anymore because my sins were bigger. My Heavenly Husband really broke me and in the middle of my prayers like 3 am sometimes, I wanted to leave everything behind, but I heard God telling me: “I know you always run but this time this is you're husband not a boyfriend.” 

I started learning more a more about marriage principles which I have not followed and started doing it. I asked Warren for forgiveness but his heart was hardened and I was so scared of the spiritual battle raging. The more I got to know God's Word, I was less and less afraid. 

How did God change your situation, Aileen, as you sought Him wholeheartedly? 

My Heavenly Husband has been good to me, He is still working in me very patiently. He is working in my life and also Warren’s life. He changed me and then he changed the situation. He made me see how things are not how I used to think they were, He opened my eyes. I feel like I been hospitalized learning about this new life. All I want is more of His love and to bring to life all of His promises, but not just for me but for all my family, friends and everyone in the world.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Aileen? 

All of them, I needed to do all of them. But the main one is to have my Heavenly Husband as the number one. I still work on it every day. The let go was difficult, win without word, and the one He has helped the most is seeing Warren with His eyes. Without Him I wouldn't be able to do this.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Aileen?

When Warrend did not come home to sleep and I saw him so confused. When I saw all my family who did not agree with what I  was doing.

I was very stupid waiting for Warren, but I know that is part of the Ego. I needed to die to self, so now I am okay with just praying that I will become more like my Lord.

Aileen, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?  

Giving everything to my Heavenly Husband.

Tell us HOW it happened, Aileen? Did Warren just walk in the front door? Aileen, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored? 

Warren helped me to get a new apartment, just for me. Then later, he moved in with me. At first he just stayed for weekends and we would walk and talk and I would cook him breakfast and dinner, things I have not done before. Now, he is here all the time and I was not sure if I should send a testimony, but my Heavenly Husband said, I should. Warren has some health issues going on and he asked me to pray for wisdom for all the decision he needs to take. I have bought the book Wise Man and I know that God has been working on him. I am just trusting my Heavenly Husband for his life as well. 

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Aileen?

How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, The Bible, A Wise Woman, My Beloved Devotional, Encourager, RRR online courses, Psalms and Proverbs

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Aileen? 


Either way, Aileen, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Keep Seeking God and falling in love with your Heavenly Husband.