I Know that I Haven’t had Enough of Him

My Beloved’s thoughts and ways are truly not mine. I have so much to praise Him about. He is slowly giving me my life back little by little to see if and how I handle it. I used to get so overwhelmed by every little thing and it would make me so grumpy and bitter. Now if I start to feel overwhelmed I know that I haven’t had enough of Him and will stop what I am doing and make sure I get more of Him. I do miss the time I use to spend on the courses (before my marriage was restored) and seem stuck on my 3rd course. I am very faithful to the devotionals and encourager and psalms and proverbs.

My other praise I wanted to give to Him was I was asking and praying that He would somehow have my EH stop using a credit card my mother let us borrow. I prayed for that months ago and gave that worry to Him. Well, He is faithful and answered my prayer! It wasn’t how I would never have thought it could happen and when it was done I didn’t like, it kind of hurt my feelings, but I know it was the enemy trying to prevent me from realizing that God had answered my prayer!

Another praise is that I had cried out to my Beloved that due to our problems at home my talented daughter had to stop gymnastics for quite a time. I now know that He wanted me to take that time so I could have Him completely to myself and change and mold me. My daughter’s gymnastics was very time consuming and expensive. He removed us from the sport for around 8 months to where I was completely focused on Him and my transformation. Well, again He moved my mother’s heart to pay for her to get back to gymnastics.

Again His ways are not my ways. He is showing me that He is trying to bless me and answer my prayers but I get confused because it’s not the way I imagine it and I get fearful because I don’t see how it will work out.

I had another blessing that I turned down because I didn’t think I was able to do it. He is so faithful and patient with me, He then answered this prayer and He whispered in my ear that He is answering my prayer and to simply trust that if He moved my mother’s heart to answer my prayer with my daughter’s gymnastics He will help me with everything that comes with it (time and money for many other things that comes with the sport). I love Him so much and He amazes me so much. My old ways try to creep up and these courses have been such a blessing to teach me and change me to trust Him.

The other praise I wanted to give to Him was that my family has never been very supportive of my decision to believe God for my marriage. They love me but wanted me to leave him and find someone better. Since your courses helped me to seek Him and it showed me His Truth and followed the principles of your ministry I am many times at peace and with His joy. I am not sad or bitter about my situation. And because of this, it reflects that I am forgiving everything that has hurt me. My brother is a pastor and preached about forgiveness. He told me that in his sermon he used me as an example of forgiveness! I was so shocked. I give Him all the praise and glory!

My situation, though restored, is still is not where we want it to be but I know He is working and I trust Him. I will wait on Him because this is a journey and it doesn’t end with restoration. This is really where it begins. There are days that I get weary but I know He is always faithful.

Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV

β€œFor my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways,”

declares the Lord.

β€œAs the heavens are higher than the earth,

so are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.

~ Janelle in Oklahoma

RMT: EH Confessed OW was Expecting his Child posting in September!!