Finding My Life

I have been looking for help, assurance from men, pastors, and prophets while not going to the Source of the truth. I realised this is adultery because all I need and all my answers are found in HIM, not man.

My husband came for a visit after being gone for 7 long years. God really showed me how I have changed, I was quiet, gentle and so peaceful during the time he spent with us. I had the chance to ask him to forgive me for my own part in the crisis and he said he has forgiven me but the trauma is still there. I pray now that my Heavenly husband heals Him and he also gets the chance to experience the abundant life I've found. He even took us grocery shopping which I saw as a bonus because my HH Provided through him.

“‘For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken,’ says the Lord who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10.

After reading the Finding the Abundant Life, no more sending prayer requests out for my marriage. I will take all my questions and worries to the Source. Above all, I want to be fully HIS bride before any earthly husband. I want His abundant life and joy and peace to saturate my heart and not prophecies and what the world has to say.

Lord, am sorry for seeking help from man. Your Word says it that help in man is vain. Let me look to You daily. Lord, I have been cheating you as my Husband and looking up to others instead of looking to You.

Lord, I need you more and more. The pressure is too much even at my job, giving me a lot of stress. Lord deal with this. Lord help me to work on me. to be more like you for the world to see and not hear only but see you in me. More of you Lord. I want to be the daughter, bride, wife, mother and worker you have called me to be.

I need you because You are all I need and will ever want.

Dear brides, don't grow weary in your walk, You will have to lose before you win and winning in God is the best win. “To find your life You’ve got to lose it All the losers get a crown.”

Dear brides this is an exciting and challenging journey that you will discover, but you will have to take out the log in your eyes before trying to remove the speck in your husband's. The exciting news is finding that your HH is all you need and will ever want, It is so exciting when He becomes your all in all.

Chapter 2 "Finding Your Life" is a fountain that enlightens and cleanses and renews our mind from all the wrong perspectives and reasons for "standing" for marriage restoration. This book shows you how to give you more than a restored marriage— giving you a wonderful journey with your HH.

~ Belleh in Lund

Restoration Fellowship

"A Church without Walls"

Restoration Fellowship is moving to a new site, and along with this move comes exciting new weekly messages currently being written. But first, our HH led us to go through the first series again—a series of short Living Lessons many of us had been longing to read again.

Whether you are a Fellowship member or would just like to visit and come away encouraged, we hope you enjoy this Wednesday's Weekly Living Lesson—posting each and every Wednesday.

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul.”
—Psalm 23: 1-3

Week 1 Whatever She Does, She Prospers