A Necessary Stage

β™• Today's Promise: "Job got up, tore his clothes, shaved his head, fell to the ground, bowed down and said: 'Naked, I came out of my mother's womb and I'll be back there naked. The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!'" Job 1: 21-22

~ Alexandra in Poland

☊ PRAISE Audio

Hello dear bride!

Today I would like to give another praise to my Heavenly Husband for how wonderfully He works in my life and my family's life. I praise Him for this journey, for the grace to bring me to RMI (Restore Ministries International) and share your testimony with others!

Today I would like to share the story of my divorce as I know many of you are probably facing it or being threatened by divorce right now. I have been divorced for a year. Yes, I filed the lawsuit - practically as soon as I found out about the other woman. I was desperate and I had all the feelings that accompany each of us in this difficult situation.

Unfortunately, I was also under the "care of a psychologist" who effectively suggested it as the best solution in my hopeless situation. Since I didn't know RMI at the time and was eager for my own "justice".

I hired the best lawyer in town who had a reputation as an aggressor and had won a lot of cases. I paid her a considerable sum of money, and she urged me to initiate the proceedings. As I was going to her office, I heard a voice in my head that this was the best way out and then I thought it was the voice of the Holy Spirit who wants me happy. It was the voice of the enemy.

Upon further persuasion, I submitted a sharp application, which contained many issues that were detrimental to my ex-husband. I informed him about my actions, and a month later I got an equally sharp retort from his lawyer. What did I expect? It tore my heart to pieces (I was completely broken) and God started turning my heart away right then. I wanted my family to be restored. I started to pray harder and search... and one day on YouTube I accidentally found a testimony of restored marriage from RMI. After finding the website and reading Chapter 1 of RYM (Restore Your Marriage), I knew everything was going to be okay and that the Lord was fighting for me. After reading Facing Divorce, I also knew I needed to end my divorce proceedings.

And here the enemy began to act with all his might. It turned out that because my ex-husband had managed to respond to the petition by agreeing to the divorce, the proceedings could only end with the consent of both parties. However, my ex was already determined to pursue the matter then. My "wonderful" lawyer turned out to be a supporter of the enemy - she tried to dissuade me from dismissing the lawsuit, she persuaded me that nobody did that (nobody did that in her 30-year career), that it was funny, weak, that I was pathetic and that the court will not take me seriously. I was afraid of the divorce, the court and her. She made me cry many times. Only God knew what I was going through then. Only He gave me the strength to survive this nightmare. And He gave me His power to release her. The day after she was released, the Lord rewarded my obedience and we spent a wonderful afternoon as a family.

Several months have passed and I have spent in prayer, studying God's Word and RMI courses, turning into a woman of God. But I still missed my former husband a lot and wanted restoration.

There was the Covid pandemic and the divorce dates were very long, and I was always hoping the Lord would stop the divorce somehow. In one of the few conversations with my former husband, I politely informed him that I did not want a divorce and that I would not go to court, but he only said he knew it. I sent a letter to the Court in which I wrote that I agreed to everything that my former husband would decide (regarding childcare and alimony). On the day of my divorce case, I went to work. I was alone there. I have a difficult and demanding job - that day nobody bothered me, I didn't have to do anything, I didn't answer any phone calls. It was practically impossible!

Only the Lord could have planned it that way. I just sat and prayed earnestly and read psalms. The next day, after calling former husband, I found out that the divorce had been finalized and I heard that I was divorced. I just said that I didn't feel like that and thanked him for the information. I took off my wedding ring immediately. It is amazing that I gained great peace then.

I told God that now we are - together forever. My divorce was a turning point in finding my Heavenly Husband and it was the beginning of a new chapter in my life - Life in Abundance. My evening prayer was a short - Job: "God gave, God took - thanks be to God!". The same night I got a text from FH (former husband) that he loves me... My FH maintained high alimony and childcare to my advantage. Praise the Lord!

Dear brides, I am asking you and I warn you, whatever happens - do not file a divorce petition. It's the enemy's plan and a trap. And the judicial system is its network. However, the Lord's mercy is so great that He arranges all things for our good. My divorce became my new beginning and was a necessary stage in my Restoration Journey.

Thank you my Beloved! We also know that all things work with those who love Him for their good, with those who are called according to [His] purpose. Romans 8:28

Job got up, tore his clothes, shaved his head, fell to the ground, bowed down and said: "Naked, I came out of my mother's womb and I'll be back there naked. The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!" Job 1: 21-22

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened for you." Mt 7.7

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