RESTORED Marriage Testimony: โ€œParted Ways for the Second Time, Just Three Months After the Birth of Our First Sonโ€

โ™•Today's Promise:ย โ€œBut If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, giveย him something to drink. For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head.โ€ Romans 12:20


Harmony, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

It all started when my earthly husband Sammuel and I parted ways for the second time, just three months after the birth of our first son. In my desperation I began to watch videos of how to restore my marriage. One day I saw a comment that someone recommended the book How God can and will restore your marriage and it gave me hope. I asked for it and there began my journey with my beloved (HH) Heavenly Husband.

How did God change your situation, Harmony, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?

I began to read my bible to fill myself with Him in privacy. I was a foolish woman in every sense, I always wanted to win in everything in terms of decisions in our marriage, contentious. I had no respect for my Sammuel, but glory to God I started to read the book and see who I really was. God showed me how foolish I had been in my house and in abandoning my first love, My Beloved.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Harmony?

Leaving everything in His hands, doing nothing to defend myself and beginning to be that virtuous woman that He commands us to be. Seeking Him in private because I knew Him but was not intimate with Him.

I began to fill myself with His word and apply all the principles of the book God can and will restore your marriage, the devotional and the Encourager praise reports I read daily, the Be Encouraged videos of our beloved Erin. I thank God for her life and for each woman who contributes in this ministry to begin our personal restoration and relationship with our Father.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Harmony?

When I found out that Sammuel was dating OW (other woman) it was hard for me to find out about her from her family. Samuel told me that he wanted to go to another country to live and that he had everything ready to take our son with him for a while .

Harmony, what was the โ€œturning pointโ€ of your restoration?

When I began to fall in love with my precious Heavenly Husband, when my heart no longer desired my restoration. I was happy with Him. I felt loved, pampered. He always provided for my son and me. I spoke with Him at any time because my precious is a gentleman.

Tell us HOW it happened, Harmony? Did Sammuel just walk in the front door? Harmony, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

In December we were going to be separated for 3 years, my HH caused Sammuel to go through a difficult situation. He had a good job and due to the pandemic they closed, all the money he had was spent. My HH reduced it to a crumb of bread. Sammuel began to come home more often to visit us and asked for my help financially. Thanks to the Lord I could help him because He asks us that if our enemy is thirsty give him a drink and if he is hungry feed him. Sammuel made a trip and when he came back he asked to stay at home for three days. He was with us for almost two weeks then he went to his mother where he had been living since our separation. I did not hear from him for a few days, then he offered to help me bring some things home and has not gone back. Sammuel told me that he already wanted us to be together again, that he never stopped loving me and that he wants to be with his family.

No, not at all, Sammuel is doing well financially and he already had everything planned to go live in another country. That day he offered to take me home and glory to God he decided not to go anymore, everything was suddenly.

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Harmony?

Of course, the books, videos, the Encourager, the devotionals and the courses, everything has been of great help and edification for me.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Harmony?

of course

Either way, Harmony, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Do not lose heart and wait on Him in His love. Sometimes we go through difficult situations but if we go to his inexhaustible source and run into his arms all pain and despair will go away. Wait on the Lord and encourage your heart, He is faithful, although time passes and you do not see anything in your favor, He will not be long in coming to rescue you and give you victory in His name and for His glory.