RBG Ministries: “Lord I have No Money, but I Trust You”

Dear Partners, I thank all of you for the possibility of being able to continue sowing into other Latin countries, the hope of them finding restoration but eventually finding true love at last.

For the second time we were in Mexico, and it was a huge success, with the delivery of books and in COLOMBIA for the first time, and now thanks to Lota our minister, who has donated books for VENEZUELA AND ALSO CARRYING THEM TO COSTA RICA we have blessed many women.Β 

There is no doubt that THE LORD is the One who opens the doors for us, the books for VENEZUELA already being donated, and this is possible thanks to your support.

Here are a few Praise Reports within my Ministry

One day arriving home from buying food and paying all my receipts, the gas tank (what I use to cook) was about to be empty, at that time I had no money to go get more, what I did was practicing what I have been learning on RBG. I prayed "Lord I have no money, but I trust you, you are my HF and I need you to help me, because I can't do anything humanly but you can" and you know what? The gas tank lasted two more months to the honor and glory of our HH. even the boy who sells me gas tank said: "what a long time the gas has lasted"! Yes! my faithful HH did it for me.

Another time I felt the holy spirit guided me to donate the only $4 I had, it is worth noting maybe because I needed more than that to finish the week, but I felt offering it and I did it in obedience. but I knew that God would provide for me. well, nothing happened during the week but our HH was faithful and the last day He did provide everything I needed!

What I can tell you, my beloved is that your trust should not be put on son, a house, a job, a husband, a bank account, a lawyer, or a boss etc. your trust must be all in Jesus! our HH. He has been faithful to me and will do it with you too if you want to believe!

I now know is not about how soon your EH returns, but about how soon you return to the arms of the Lord.

Here's What's New!

When Lota shared with me that our beloved ERIN wanted me to take a few months of resting and wait until now to submit this report, I was surprised, cuz I did not realize that it was a time that my HH was giving me to rest and enjoy the harvest. Remember that there is a time for everything. That said, the new thing that GOD brought to RBG was a new helper.

Our HH gave us the help I need and brought Maria, who is now sharing what she has received from His grace. So while I was on vacation she was sharing again the book HOW GOD CAN AND WILL RESTORE YOUR MARRIAGE, summarizing the biblical principles of each chapter. With the help of our HH, we did it together. She was sharing live videos in the RBG facebook group!


Our HH knew this rest was necessary for me, to gather new strength and even brought order in my ministry.

I am clear that our first ministry is our home.

Since my return, I have been sharing things that I learned during this time of Rest. The Lord has motivated me to share the importance of following a single ministry or a single group where the truth is shared because I met many confused women who have been following two or more ministries.

He has also been faithful as always bringing help to translate, these topics that very kindly Lota has shared with RBG. I will continue sharing on the YouTube channel restored in grace now studying the book " A WISE WOMAN".

Other Wonderful News!

THE LORD opened the doors to us in a radio station in the state of Virginia, Hosanna Radio 1600 am. Where I have shared my testimonies of the restoration and even sharing Erin's books for radio listeners, IT IS INCREDIBLE how much our HH has been doing. everything while I was resting in Him, while I rested He was working for His Glory and for My Beloved's. He glorifies Himself, He helps us and He supports us. BLESSED BE FOREVER.

A testimonial from a member of my Facebook group, of how our HH has changed her in this journey and also now she's sharing and encouraging other women.

Beloveds, you who are feeling desolate, discarded and worthless, you who feel your world is in ruins, you feel pain in your heart and in your soul, I understand your pain, I understand how you feel and I feel compassion for you, I understand how much you suffer, and how much it weighs to face it each Day, how much it costs to get up and continue. I know those moments of loneliness, moments where it is inevitable to contain tears, moments where it is inevitable to groan in pain. Yes, I know what that is, I know what it is to feel the soul and the heart in pieces, I know what it feels like something inside of you seem to been breaking you, and for that I pray that soon the consolation of our heavenly Father may come to you, and I pray that He may heal your wounds, I pray that soon you may smile and cry of joy, I pray that the light will soon shine and those black clouds are removed from your life. I beg you to be happy. I pray for the true repentance of your husband and his return to the ways of the Lord. I pray for the restoration of your marriage. I understand you and I feel compassion for you. Just like yourself, I have suffered too.

Do not give up, we are many in this situation and I know that with the help and the favor of the Lord we will be victorious and with a new and restored heart. Today I can tell you that the Lord has strengthened me, that even in this wilderness has given me contentment and has shone its light on me, the tears have ceased and the smiles and joy have come from having him. In a day of much pain, he helped me to understand that even if I did not understand and did not see him, he was helping us and was responding to the prayers I made and my husband made a long time ago when he cried to him. It helped me to understand that the restoration I did not see was already happening. That brought me a lot of peace and joy even in the midst of pain. And I learned that what I saw was not the truth, the truth is what is in His word and what He promised for us. Love.

All Glory and Honor is for to our HH, and I am so grateful of Him for being the source of living water, which throughout all this time has sustained me, and blessed to be part of this sowing!

If wasn't for you My beloved HH I would have succumbed and stopped, you are who and for whom I live and serve.

Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God to minister? Trust me He can use you by just letting Him know you are willing. 2 Timothy 2:20-22.

Although unworthy of this privilege, my HH encouraged me to follow Him and I did. Β I know that some of you dears sisters can feel like this, but remember that the One who called us, perfected us, and in His love, we will be safe forever!Β Β Romans 8: 29-39

Another way to be used by God is by becoming a partner, which, I promise, will mean greater blessings in your own life as you bless others!!

~ Veronica in California

Veronica’s RMT


SOW and REAP a Harvest

In previous blogs, we shared how we began offering students who just completed a free course, the opportunity to Thank the Ministry Team and our partners by helping to send RYM books to poor Latin Countries.

Even if you haven't just completed a course, you can also GIVE.