It might sound crazy

I have a simple Praise that I want to share today, I have to praise my Husband today for how far He brought me on this journey and the peace and joy He is giving me regardless of my circumstances.

In a couple of hours my fh will be picking up the kids after they were with me for more than a week, their school starts next week Monday and fh still wants to take them to buy stationery and school uniforms.

I still remember how I felt last year knowing that fh was on his way to pick up the kids to go and stay with him and the ow during school weeks, her taking them to school and picking them up again, packing their lunches etc, everything I always did for the children. Knowing I would lose so much of the short, precious years we have with our children, being there for them, attending and taking them to school events or sport, which I always did.

But my Husband changed things around for me (or IN me) so much and although I am a bit sad that they will be leaving today (and I will miss them and all their hugs and kisses), I look forward to having my alone time with my Husband again … I know it might sound crazy that I can be excited about them going back, and a lot of people don’t understand this and that I can feel happy and at peace …. as a mother I am supposed to fight for them and maybe even fall apart or go crazy because of this, and believe me, I still receive and received a lot of criticism for not fighting for them from a lot of people.

BUT I don’t feel any of that, I am not falling apart, I am not going crazy, I don’t fight for them or fight with my fh about or for them, and NOT because I do not love my children or don’t want them to live with me, or have their best interest at heart, it’s because I know and can rest in the fact that this is all part of a bigger plan He has for me and my children and He will, at the appointed time, turn it around for our good and He will restore to me (and my children) the years that the swarming locust has eaten. So, I can rest in peace and let them go, knowing He has everything under total control, and He is with them always (

I am not somebody that ever makes new year’s resolutions, but I have made one this year, to make the most of my alone time with my Husband, to just be on honeymoon with my πŸ’—First LoveπŸ’—, and I am looking forward to it, because it might be the last year I have alone with HimπŸ’— so I must make the most of it! πŸ₯°

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1 thought on “It might sound crazy”

  1. Thank you Adina, this is the second praise that gives me goosebumps on our blog today. To see what He does in your life is so beautiful. And yes, to most people you will sound crazy πŸ™‚ I can see how He holds you in every moment and I agree to spend each day with Him because you never know what tomorrow holds for each of us. My children have just left for their dad’s and now you have made me want to make a cup of coffee and sit down and talk with Him for a while.

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