💗 Happy Mother´s Day 💐

We are so happy that you are here today, so we can celebrate this special day together!! You are very dear to our hearts!!

We have a special message for each of you sweet mothers and grandmothers—for each of you who are mothering someone in your life!!

Being a mother changes our lives forever. Yet we can feel overwhelmed and unappreciated at times. Your Beloved knows and knows fully that there are lives who depend on and look at you for all their needs. Lives who are following your footsteps everywhere you go and that is why it’s so important that you are walking hand in hand with your Beloved—close to His Heart ♥️ so they can learn to love and follow Him too!!

His promise to you is Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is His reward.”

Your Beloved Heavenly Husband wants to remind you that you are His Bride, His vessel, and when we feel weak, or not enough, He is our strong vessel, our strength, our wisdom, our love!! “Love bears all things, believes all things, endures all things—LOVE never fails.”

Remember, “Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you... How blessed are all those who long for Him”!!

Ask Him today to become your everything, to be your Comforter, your Father, your Husband, ask Him to fill you with His love until it’s overflowing!!

Your Husband wants you to fill your life with His promises, because dear mom His words are full of life, His word has the power to transform you, His promises are like nothing else!! His word is living and can change you and help you to feel encouraged in the deepest parts of your soul. Go to His promises that will be the most important words in your life, the only Words that truly matter!!

Today and everyday, tap into His love and enjoy your motherhood.

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty and marvelous and wondrous things, which you do not know…things to come, things you could never figure out on your own, remarkable secrets…“

The Lord has called you to walk with Him and us on this beautiful path of helping and encouraging families—this is why my sweet mother we were excited to record this special message just for YOU!!

You hold the most important position on the planet 🌎 YOU are training up the next generation of torch lighters, children who will live lives full of Him, the abundant life He’s offered us, breaking free of the poverty mentality, fear and shame

Enjoy the gift of having your children because He says,“Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward.”

Keep going dear one, rise up today with the wisdom that you are not alone on this motherhood journey and that our Heavenly Husband is waiting for you with His arms wide open to offer you His abundant life so you can enjoy the blessing of being a mother devoted to HIM!!! 💐💞

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