This week I have been working away from home and although I have been working the night shift and I am a little tired, I have so many testimonies and they are all because of my wonderful Darling:

I asked my Darling to please be selected (at my outside job because I still have a outside job while waiting for my Darling to make a way to become a Worker@Home), to work special duties for extra money (so I have extra money for when we move) and He saw to it that I was at the right time at the right place (because my department said they don't need anyone), just another proof our wonderful Lord really controls everything and He planned everything in advance for me to work the night shift, so that I could still pay attention to the ministry. And now that I'm sitting here and typing I just suddenly realize with tears that my Darling would have provided for me in any case for the move, but He made me work because I asked and I am sorry for my unbelief my Darling. My God will use his wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need. P4:19

When I heard I was going to sleep in a hotel room I asked my Darling if I could please sleep alone in a room (which almost never happens because they let us share rooms), but He made it possible for me, so besides that I could really rest when I finished working I could just spend alone time with my Darling. Thank you my Darling for the pampering alone with You.

When I got a terrible hay fever with itchy watery eyes, my Beloved the best Healer ever, healed me (please listen to the wonderful revelation my Darling gave me with my itchy eyes - to stop scratching and rubbing and that is what we must stop doing with our problems).

And it doesn't stop there, I asked my Darling if I could please type and can you believe it, they asked who can type and I was the only one who raised my hand and I could sit alone with the commander in a office and also have time alone in the morning hours spending it reading the lovely resources we have on RMI.

Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. J29:12
If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. J14:14

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