How Great My Son Tithes ๐Ÿฅณ

Hello dear brides,

He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers M46

This scripture speaks to my heart in two ways. At first, it speaks to me of the return of the childrenโ€™s hearts to the parents when a divorce has taken place. As I now realize as a mother, my children, who I thought wouldnโ€™t be too bad, are also broken by the divorce. In the second way, it speaks to me that the hearts will turn back to the BEST Person that they can have in their lives. Their Heavenly Father.

My Beloved Lord is the father of my children here at this time. Despite my children being with their earthly father every other week. My Beloved take care of them, protect them and see them through the day. As only a perfect Father can do. As a single mother, I am extremely happy to have found my Heavenly Beloved to express my concerns. While sometimes He dries my tears, takes over the worries I have and gives me His Promises.

But now, Lord, thou art our Father; we are the clay, Thou art our Former, and we all are the work of Thy hand. J648

Do I receive joy and see the fruits of the principle of surrendering my Children to Him, so that He can do what only He can do. Healing is what He is doing now. I canโ€™t change my children but He can. Ideally, as a mother, I would like them to believe that He is the best Friend they can have. When they need help, they will always be able to turn to Him. Only I notice that my ways donโ€™t work. So, just like with my daughter, I had to make room. Let go of my son. Let me be guided by Him who knows best.

My 15-year-old son has been through a lot of trials in his life in recent months. At school and at home. My former husband and I have experienced the necessary concerns. Several times we were allowed to come to school as parents because our son was suspended again. And how glad I am to have my Beloved beside me, who has helped me through with his Blessed hand, with His wisdom.

Recently he has a part-time job at the supermarket. So when I talked to my son a few weeks ago about the many things he has on his shopping list, I knew I had to start teaching him the principle of tithing.

Not only to be able to receive what was on his wish list, but also to protect the new school year that will look more practical.
My son was diagnosed with ADD just before the summer holidays, which resulted in a low IQ. As a result, it was not always easy for him to follow the many theoretical lessons. After the umpteenth incident for which the school could no longer guarantee the safety of our son and other students. We as parents had to move him. The new school year will start next week. But my son is not motivated to start.

Giving his tithing was brought into my heart so that my son will be able to do well in protecting all that he will have to learn at his new school. However, I never imagined that my son would participate in his tithing. Having money is so important to him right now, he canโ€™t have enough of it. In addition, his finances are managed and discussed by my former husband who does not want to hear anything from God at the moment. But miraculously, my Lord has made my sonโ€™s heart receptive to transfer 10% to a piggy bank every month after receiving his wages. I have not heard from my former husband, while he may have been able to see which amounts were debited from the account. We are almost at the third month and I am sure this is where my Lord is in charge.

I have also started sending my son the My Beloved Child devotional on his phone every day. As a mother, I have failed to teach my son the laws of my Heavenly Father from birth. Now that I have been given the second chance through His guidance to give my son the words of my Beloved in this way, I am immensely grateful to Him for that. At times, pulling out my 3ร—5 cards during the day is necessary to keep the peace. But in between there are also moments when my son surprised me with different behavior than a few months ago. I love my Lord๐Ÿ˜, without Him I would never have had the joy of being the mother of the rewards He has given me.

4 thoughts on “How Great My Son Tithes ๐Ÿฅณ”

  1. How wonderful that your son is listening to your words. All we can do is lead our children to His word and principles and trust in our HH to complete the work in them. I hope that your son has a great new school year and even more wonderful things happen for you and your family. ๐Ÿฉท

  2. My sweet Kristine, wow and Praise the Lord always. Our children are watching us! And even though it seems hard, our Beloced is the best Father ever and He is in control. He will guide both on this new season, and it will be glorious. The enemy is the one that wants to convinced us that we are failing as moms, but our Beloved is holding our hand closely and giving each one of us the wisdom to teach our children. He will change evdeything for good on His perfect timing๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ
    Thank you for sharing my sweet Kristine!

  3. Thank you for sharing dear Kristine, it is so wonderful that you get to teach your son. I wish my parents had teached me to tithe from a young age.

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