The Shaping Hands of My Beloved

โ€œYet you, Lord, are our father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hand.โ€ย Isaiah 64:8

Sweet ladies, what comes to your mind when you hear the story of the potter and the clay? This parable reminds me that our Beloved is intimately at work in our lives. Throughout our lifetime, the trials, storms, and miracles are all used by God to shape and mold the deepest parts of His childrenโ€™s souls and minds.

This shaping process can feel overwhelming, especially when there are many areas in which we fall short or constantly think we need to overcome or improve. Sometimes, this state of our hearts can feel paralyzing, and we find ourselves feeling like a hopeless case.

As a mom, I am constantly looking for ways to help my beautiful daughters to understand the amazing principles and teachings of their Beloved Heavenly Father. Because I didnยดt have Christian parents I must confess sometimes I felt lost!

Reading this lesson for the third time wLL 40 โ€œJust Askโ€ย โ˜Š, opened my eyes to the fact that I need to ask! As easy as that, and read testimonies and material always led by Him, to be able to apply it to my own life!

So I began this journey holding my Potterยดs hand! I knew deep in my heart that my parenting needed a huge swift. I was raising my children the way I was raised with "tough love" what a fool! To understand this better please read Chapter 3 โ€œA Gentle and Quiet Spiritโ€ Establish Understanding.

My Beloved then led me to pray to make me fun to be around, to show grace and love towards my children. And He answered!

โ€œAsk, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.โ€ (Matthew 7:7)

You see, sweet brides, our Heavenly Father is telling us we can come to Him and learn from Him! We can ask for more of His peace or guidance, and it will be freely given. We donโ€™t have to stress about falling short and thinking it is all up to us to improve ourselves. Doesnโ€™t that just bring joy to your heart?

Now I am enjoying my mothering journey more than ever, and the fruits of abiding in Him to have a home centered in home is priceless! For instance, to help all four of my children understand how He molds us, I gave them some play-dough to mold and shape into whatever their hearts desire. As they were creating, I used this time to read the Scriptures and talk to them about the potter and the clay. They loved it!

I am being shaped into the woman, mother, and friend that my Belovedยดs wants me to be! I am getting shaped by the best Potter in the world, and my children are enjoying their new mom so much!

If you want to enjoy your mothering journey I highly these lessons:

How to Really ENJOY Your Children and LOVEย โค๏ธย Being a Parent

Being a mom is the hugest calling that we have, and even though is a roller coaster ride, our Beloved is with us shaping us and our children to be more like Him ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’

4 thoughts on “The Shaping Hands of My Beloved”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this Isabella. We are able to ask Him for help in all areas of motherhood and He will help us. I too, feel lost at times because I wasnโ€™t raised the way I am now trying to do with my daughters. But there is always hope in Him. Thank you again for sharing resources that helped you as well. Motherhood is truly such a blessing.

    1. My sweet Elda yes!! We want Him in our mothering journey, we want to love our children like He does, to point our childrenยดs hearts to Him, who is perfect and loves them more than us! Our motherhood is holy work, we are shaping the believers of the future, and we are leaving a legacy of His love and power to them! We are shaping their minds to have faith and believe that we are loved and that through Him everything is possible!
      This is so gooooooooooood!! Our children will learn through us the power of prayer, journaling, and worship to have an abundant life from a young age!

  2. Beatiful ISabella the way He work in our lives to mold us, shape us into who He wants us to be, and who HE wants people to see in us is great, itยดs a process sometimes some shaping is painful but the final product will be wonderful just like the creator wants it/us to be. Thanks for sharing it is not easy but with Him it is possible. We are chosen!!!

    1. Yes my sweet Jewel. Let’s wait on Him while He changes our lives and minds for His glory ๐Ÿ™Œ

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