A Great Witness Is Coming

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Hello dear brides. I need to confess that I have been struggling with adversity. It was now after my recent divorce that I saw that my financial situation is chaotic and terrible.

Although I took everything to my Beloved Best Friend, I didn't consult Him to get rid of it, but I tried to provide for myself, which wore me out a lot and I even got sick from working so much and seeing that it was in vain, because EVERYTHING HAS GROWN! In the middle of all this I went back to my old practices as a contentious woman! He had already asked me if my work was supporting me, I said no! I even need to thank my Beloved Lord for this difficulty because thanks to it I have been trying to remember the following promise.

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

I know that everything He does for me is for me and for my own good.. just as I know that it becomes a great financial testimony, I look forward to seeing how He will help me.

Poverty Mentality – LoveAtLast.org

β€œThe thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy;Β I came that they might haveΒ LIFE, and might have itΒ ABUNDANTLY”!!!

3 thoughts on “A Great Witness Is Coming”

  1. This is a beautiful reminder Lessyanne. It is something that we all need to always remember He will take care of all of our needs, not some, not most, but all. We need to be willing to let Him do it and not do it in our own strength. It will wear us out like you said. Thank you for sharing how this promise is helping in your life.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Lessyane, I know I too tried so much to provide for me and my children and it was so tiring. It was so freeing to give all my finances over to our Darling Lord and I have never been disappointed. And I have to admit sometimes I still entertain it in my mind and that is then when the worry comes but then my Darling Lord reminds me, give it over, isn’t He just the best!

    It reminds me of this promise: “The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.” P10:22 https://biblehub.com/proverbs/10-22.htm

  3. ‘I was young, and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his offspring begging bread. ‘
    Psalm 37:25

    Dear Lessyane, I know that the financial situation gets very difficult, it happens to me too. And when I try or think about helping myself, I only hear my Beloved say wait, and HE provides. Just leave your burdens with HIM, and He will do it for you. I know that HE provides, He gives us a little here, or a little there, and even though it is difficult for me, we must be still and rest knowing that we will not lack anything.

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