The 3 treasures

" Yo soy Β el camino, Β la verdad y Β la vida. Β Nadie viene al Padre Β sino por mΓ­." Juan 14:6

My dear brides, this is more than a compliment, it is a thought that my Beloved brought to me while I was reading.

He brought me the previous verse and made me reflect that it contains 3 treasures that have changed my life.

I am the way: He showed me a path that I did not know, a path that led me to find in this desert, because He came for me, to look for me just as He looked for you, that is why I am in this Ministry, because the only way to follow is Him.

I am the Truth: Our Lord showed me that His Word is the Truth, not the one that the world gives, not the way others tell me that I should face my personal situations. There is no other Truth, but I have learned to listen to it, and the one I know has remained in my mind and heart. The Truth that is walked in obedience, for love of Him.

I Am Life: Beloved, my Beloved Lord is the one who gives us a new life, we are no longer the woman who came here, He has transformed us and now we have another life because His Mercy allowed us to find. A Life that I myself did not know, where I have learned, where my Beloved has allowed me to turn around and give what He has given me. And where I continue to seek Him, each day more to Live His Abundant Life, through which He walked on this earth, for me.

These are the 3 treasures that He showed me, and everything is summed up in His Grace, which made us a new woman, we walk, learn and live for Our Lord.

May He continue to bless us and show us that without Him we are nothing, because in Him we have everything.

Hallelujah and Eternal Glory to the Lord.

3 thoughts on “The 3 treasures”

  1. Precious Liza thank you for sharing the 3 treasures our Darling Lord showed you. I am so grateful for His grace all because of His grace and eternal love for use, He came looking for us and I am forever grateful for that because I was so very lost and I really needed Him to change me and I still need a lot of change but I am so grateful that He never gives up on me.

  2. Thank you for sharing what He showed you dear Liza. I always loved the verse you shared: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”;NKJV;NLV;MSG.

    I realized how lost I was when my journey started, but my Beloved Lord showed me the way, the path to follow, I do not have to feel like I am wandering aimlessly around the desert anymore.

    I also love this verse: “Your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, β€œThis is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”,NKJV,NLV,NASB

  3. A beautiful and inspiring message! The three treasures you mentioned – the way, the truth, and the life – are precious gifts. It’s wonderful that you’ve been able to experience these treasures and share them with us. Thank you.

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